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时间:2021-12-22 21:53来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was ____ of new development in his field. A: tedious B: subtle C: ignorant D: intellectual 正确答案: C (单选题)2: A power failure created ____ in transportation. A:
(单选题)1: Because Bob had stopped reading his technical journals he was ____ of new development in his field.
A: tedious
B: subtle
C: ignorant
D: intellectual

(单选题)2: A power failure created ____ in transportation. 
A: emergency
B: enclosure
C: extension
D: excitement

(单选题)3: We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be _______and go another day.
A: probable
B: reliable
C: flexible
D: feasible

(单选题)4: ________ you _______ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.
A: If, had
B: Have, had
C: Should, have
D: In case, had

(单选题)5: The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible on the grounds that it was _____ to the issue at hand .
A: irrational
B: unreasonable
C: invalid
D: irrelevant

(单选题)6: There are several possible explanations for the greater job____ in Japan in contrast to the great job mobility in the United States.
A: creativity
B: security
C: sensitivity
D: stability

(单选题)7: When a number of people ________ together in a conversational knot, each individual expresses his position in the group by where he stands.
A: pad
B: pack
C: squeeze
D: cluster

(单选题)8: I am not______ with my roommate but I have to share the room with her ,because I have nowhere else to live.
A: concerned
B: compatible
C: considerate
D: complied

(单选题)9: The London Marathon is a difficult race._______, thousands of runners participate every year.
A: Therefore
B: Accordingly
C: Nevertheless
D: Furthermore

(单选题)10: My students found the book ________: it provided them with an abundance of information on the subject.
A: enlightening
B: confusing
C: distracting
D: amusing

(单选题)11: He is planning another tour abroad ,yet his passport will ______ at the end of this month.
A: expire
B: exceed
C: terminate
D: cease

(单选题)12: Almost everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished telling the ____ tale.
A: pathetic
B: patriotic
C: panic
D: periodic

(单选题)13: Some people believe that since oil is scarce, the ____of the motor industry is uncertain.
A: estimate
B: terminal
C: fate
D: benefit

(单选题)14: For three-quarters of its span on Earth, life evolved almost______ as microorganisms.
A: precisely
B: instantly
C: initially
D: exclusively

(单选题)15: Equipment not______ official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.
A: conforming to
B: consistent with
C: predominant over
D: providing for

(单选题)16: He is too young to be able to ______ between right and wrong.
A: discard
B: discern
C: disperse
D: disregard

(单选题)17: Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior ______taking a situational photograph at a given time and in a given place.
A: attach
B: compose
C: involve
D: enclose

(单选题)18: I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _________ stupid.
A: something but
B: anything but
C: nothing but
D: not but

(单选题)19: Crisis would be the right term to describe the _____ in many animal species .
A: minimization
B: restriction
C: descent
D: decline

(单选题)20: Each individual is requested to state the ____ on which his judgments are based.
A: requirements
B: measures
C: legislations
D: criteria

(单选题)21: The mayor is a woman with great _______ and therefore deserves our political and financial support.
A: intention
B: instinct
C: integrity
D: intensity

(单选题)22: Martin lay____on the bed all night,turning over and over in his mind the great decision he might have to make. 
A: wake
B: awake
C: waken
D: woke

(单选题)23: The students showed ____when solving the difficult maths problems.
A: validity
B: purity
C: ingenuity
D: reliability

(单选题)24: The wheels stuck in the ____.
A: mud
B: clay
C: soil
D: earth

(单选题)25: For the new country to survive, ________ for its people to enjoy prosperity, new economic policies will be required.
A: to name a few
B: let alone
C: not to speak
D: let’s say

(单选题)26: The purpose of the official inquiry is to ____ the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea. 
A: come for
B: come at
C: come into
D: come over

(单选题)27: The portion of the total income of China’s railways which comes from carrying cargo is____80 percent. 
A: consequently
B: roughly
C: comparatively
D: incidentally

(单选题)28: That was not the first time he ________ us. I think it’s high time we ________ strong actions against him.
A: betrayed…take
B: had betrayed…took
C: has betrayed…took
D: has betrayed…take

(单选题)29: Fuel scarcities and price increases ________ automobile designers to scale down the largest models and to develop completely new lines of small cars and trucks .
A: persuaded
B: prompted
C: imposed
D: enlightened

(单选题)30: His ideas are invariably condemned as ________ by his colleagues.
A: imaginative
B: ingenious
C: impractical
D: theoretical

(单选题)31: The ____ of the sun almost blinded them. 
A: glitter
B: flare
C: sparks
D: glare

(单选题)32: Because fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _________ solar heating device in our home.
A: some type of
B: some types of a
C: some type of a
D: some types of

(单选题)33: American companies are evolving from mass-production manufacturing to ________ enterprises.
A: moveable
B: changing
C: flexible
D: varying

(单选题)34: The wealth of a country should be measured ______ the health and happiness of its people as well as the material goods it can produce .
A: in line with
B: in terms of
C: in regard with
D: by means of

(单选题)35: The meeting was put off because we __________ a meeting without John.
A: objected having
B: were objected to having
C: objected to have
D: objected to having

(单选题)36: Children who stay away from school do ________ for different reasons.
A: them
B: /
C: it
D: theirs

(单选题)37: The chairman was blamed for letting his secretary ________too much work last week.
A: take away
B: take out
C: take to
D: take on

(单选题)38: She hit the chair and ____ the coffee. 
A: spoiled
B: poured
C: spilled
D: splashed

(单选题)39: _______ to some parts of South America is still difficult ,because parts of the continent are still covered with thick forests .
A: Orientation
B: Access
C: Procession
D: Voyage

(单选题)40: "This light is too______ for me to read by. Don’t we have a brighter bulb some where": said the elderly man.
A: dim
B: slight
C: mild
D: minute

(单选题)41: Do you know Tim’s brother? He is _________ than Tim.
A: much more sportsman
B: more of a sportsman
C: more of sportsman
D: more a sportsman

(单选题)42: ____ the success of the product depends on its good quality.
A: Objectively
B: Ultimately
C: Absolutely
D: Relatively

(单选题)43: Although the arguments were ____, he was not convinced.
A: rational
B: universal
C: apparent
D: exceptional

(单选题)44: Her desire to ____ other people has caused great trouble in her family.
A: prevail
B: promote
C: dominate
D: exemplify

(单选题)45: I can’t ________ what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning.
A: figure out
B: draw out
C: look out
D: work out

(单选题)46: Mr. Jackson feels very happy that he has derived a good deal of benefit ____ the investment in the city.
A: with
B: of
C: from
D: upon

(单选题)47: I have looked all over the office for my jar of glue. It seemed to have ____.
A: vapoured
B: vanished
C: vibrated
D: reduced

(单选题)48: _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.
A: I was and always will be
B: I have to be and always will be
C: I had been and always will be
D: I have been and always will be

(单选题)49: Miss Jane always buys ____ priced clothes. 
A: highly
B: highest
C: high
D: higher

(单选题)50: To speed up the ______of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting.
A: treatment
B: transmission
C: departure
D: delivery

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