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时间:2022-04-29 10:34来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: Jordan was _______ about his most watched comeback. A: anxious B: fearful C: excited D: modest. 正确答案: D (单选题)2: ______took responsibility for the attack in Haifa? A: An Islamic group B: Several Palestinian soldiers C: Seve
(单选题)1: Jordan was _______ about his most watched comeback.
A: anxious
B: fearful
C: excited
D: modest.

(单选题)2: ______took responsibility for the attack in Haifa?
A: An Islamic group
B: Several Palestinian soldiers
C: Several Palestinian civilians
D: None

(单选题)3: Emil Scuka is -----.
A: a Slovak-born lawyer, president of the International Romany Union
B: a Spanian-born lawyer, president of the International Romany Union
C: a Portugal-born lawyer, president of the International Romany Union

(单选题)4: The phrase---_____now means a situation in which there is only one thing to do .
A: Hobson’s horse
B: Hobson’s idea
C: Hobson’s situation
D: Hobson’s choice

(单选题)5: commit.
A: to do (something wrong)
B: to do (something right)
C: to admit

(单选题)6: What did Engelhardt advise China to do in a conference last month?
A: People should clean up the foul air.
B: People should take some measures to preserve their heritage.
C: People should built more expressway in the sites.
D: People should allow more foreigners to visit China

(单选题)7: gripe
A: complain continually
B: incite, stimulate
C: find fault and complain

(单选题)8: ___ casts doubt of waging war against Iraq.
A: Paul Wolfowitz
B: Colin L. Powell
C: George Bush
D: Gen. Tommy Franks

(单选题)9: "deteriorate "
A: become worse in quality or condition.
B: make others become happy
C: throw the rubbish

(单选题)10: mock
A: discourage
B: ridicule or contempt
C: acknowledgment

(单选题)11: Which one do you think is more important during a Presidential Election after having read the three pieces of news?
A: Financial support
B: Religion policy
C: Both A and B
D: unknown

(单选题)12: plight.
A: work hard
B: serious and difficult situation or condition
C: crumbling

(单选题)13: viciousness
A: dangerous aggression
B: work hard
C: combine

(单选题)14: confrontational
A: I clash of opinions and ideas
B: a sudden, violent disruption or upset
C: to express sorrow or regret

(单选题)15: civic
A: of a town or city; municipal
B: debris
C: curious

(单选题)16: awash .
A: be full of
B: award
C: legacy

(单选题)17: Although the populations of majority in the U.S. approve gun controls, the NRA still gained _____ members last year.
A: 200,000
B: 300,000
C: 400,000
D: 500,000

(单选题)18: hack
A: to cut roughly and violently
B: desperate
C: to instist, to state firmly

(单选题)19: debris
A: work hard
B: scattered fragments; wreckage
C: debris

(单选题)20: cram school
A: 小学
B: 中学
C: 填鸭式教学

(单选题)21: The Scots and the Welsh believe that soon they will be able to do without the heavy English ____ that for centuries have tied them to Brussels .
A: subsidies
B: taxes
C: rules
D: enforcement

(单选题)22: tattered
A: complain continually
B: ragged, torn
C: dispute, argument

(单选题)23: plausible
A: easy to be solved
B: hard to be solved
C: be right or reasonable, believable

(单选题)24: ------children were taken from their parents according to the text from 1910 until the 1970’s.
A: 150,000
B: 200,000
C: 100,000
D: 50,000

(单选题)25: grottoe.
A: house
B: cave
C: cottage

(单选题)26: To what degree does the international demand for British beef had dropped? __________
A: two
B: three
C: five
D: zero

(单选题)27: itch
A: work hard
B: stop talking
C: to feel a strong restless desire

(单选题)28: If the managers or organizations find their get just fine without the vacationing employee, the employee will be ___.
A: paid more
B: promoted
C: given more vacation
D: insecure

(单选题)29: influx .
A: arrival of people or things
B: work hard
C: surrounding

(单选题)30: assumed.
A: speak on behalf of
B: work hard
C: taken for granted; supposed

(判断题)31: The author believes that the rankings have become an unhealthy force in higher                                            education .
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)32: Commemorative coins have been issued.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)33: Nixon still believes that Communist party will be the enemy of the United States forever.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)34: Economic development depends on that local government must keep his or her doors to every visitor.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)35: When you’re trying to get your marriage back on track, there is all work and no pay.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)36: “Soothe” means to make someone uncomfortable
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)37: Hug drug is good for people’s health
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)38: Many parents complain about after-school assignments when they talk about their children’s education.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)39: In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution.
A: 错误
B: 正确

(判断题)40: It is one of the great strengths of monarchy that it has never taken sides in any political debate, that it shows itself, as an institution, to be evenhanded.
A: 错误
B: 正确

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