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??No one thought of anything even a little bit like the zipp

时间:2022-07-12 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
6.??No one thought of anything even a little bit like the zipper until Whitecomb L.Judson came along. There were buttons and button-holes, hooks and eyes, laces and buckles. They all took an irritatingly long time to do up, especially when
6.??No one thought of anything even a little bit like the zipper until Whitecomb L.Judson came along. There were buttons and button-holes, hooks and eyes, laces and buckles. They all took an irritatingly long time to do up, especially when men wore high-laced boots and fashionable ladies squeezed themselves into long corsets. Whitecomb L.Judson's slide-fastener was an out-of-the-blue invention, and no one knows what gave him the idea. No one even knows much about him, except that he was a mechanical engineer living in Chicago and that he patented other inventions, to do with a street railway system and motor-cars. Judson invented the first zipper(called, at the time, a Clasp Locker or Unlocker)in 1891. This ingenious little device looks so simple, and the principle behind it is simple: one row of hooks and eyes slotting neatly into another row by means of a tab. Yet it took 22 years, many improvements and another inventor to make the zipper really practical. 问题:The word "ingenious" means ( )
A. clever
B. admirable
C. important
D. useful
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