奥鹏作业答案 - 分忧网!奥鹏作业答案,奥鹏在线作业答案,奥鹏作业答案及毕业论文分忧


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时间:2021-06-16 16:40来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. Who is giving the introduction to emergency planning in the community? A. The operator of 911. B. It is Tom. C. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning. D. Disaster. 2. What categories can we divide emergency planning
1. Who is giving the introduction to emergency planning in the community?
A. The operator of 911.
B. It is Tom.
C. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning.
D. Disaster.

2. What categories can we divide emergency planning into?
A. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning.
B. Emergency disaster planning.
C. The operator of 911.
D. Leaflets about emergency planning.

3. Which category is the highest-level of emergency planning?
A. Incident.
B. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning.
C. Disaster.
D. Emergency disaster planning.

4. Are earthquakes, typhoons and floods “disasters” or “incidents”?
A. It is Tom.
B. Leaflets about emergency planning.
C. The operator of 911.
D. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments.

5. Do we call a large fire an “incident” or a kind of “disaster”?
A. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning.
B. It is Tom.
C. Disaster.
D. Emergency disaster planning.

6. Who would be involved in emergency planning?
A. The operator of 911.
B. Disaster.
C. It is Tom.
D. Emergency disaster planning.

7. Who can tell you whether an emergency is a “disaster” or not?
A. Incident.
B. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning.
C. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments.
D. Disaster.

8. If a resident wants to know how he should act in an emergency, what does he need to read?? 答案 8
A. The ambulance service, the police and fire departments.
B. Incident.
C. Disaster.
D. Emergency disaster planning and emergency incident planning.

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