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时间:2021-06-21 11:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. - Oh, amazing! Could you give me more information about it? - _____________________ A. Sure. You can find more on this website. B. That's great. C. That's too bad. 2. – Putting on a happy face makes us feel better. - ___________________
1. - Oh, amazing! Could you give me more information about it?
- _____________________
A. Sure. You can find more on this website.
B. That's great.
C. That's too bad.

2. – Putting on a happy face makes us feel better.
- ____________________
A. I'd love to.
B. It's my pleasure.
C. I agree with you.

3. It is common practice now ________ the web for resources and information for homework.?
A. to search
B. search
C. searching

4. Entertainment is one of the ________ reasons people like the Web.
A. led
B. leading
C. leader

5. Baidu is good for Chinese searches, ________ Yahoo is better for searching data in English.?
A. where
B. when
C. while

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