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时间:2021-12-22 19:59来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: London is ( ) capital of Britain, and it is ( )_ great city, too. A: a, the B: the, / C: the, a 正确答案: C (单选题)2: ( ) people are my friends. ( ) people are my husband's friends. A: These, Those B: This, That C: Here, There
(单选题)1: London is ( ) capital of Britain, and it is ( )_ great city, too.
A: a, the
B: the, /
C: the, a

(单选题)2: ( ) people are my friends. ( ) people are my husband's friends.
A: These, Those
B: This, That
C: Here, There

(单选题)3: What's ( )job? Are ( ) British?
A: your, your
B: you, your
C: your, you

(单选题)4: I usually go to the office ( )train.
A: with
B: by
C: on

(单选题)5: A:I prefer watching TV. B:So ( ) I.
A: have
B: am
C: do

(单选题)6: What is your job? I'm ( )accountant.
A: a
B: an
C: /

(单选题)7: Mary ( ) brown eyes and golden hair.
A: have
B: have got
C: has got

(单选题)8: He is ( )on the 6 o'clock train on Friday evening.
A: travelling
B: travel
C: travels

(单选题)9: A:Could you ring them up please? I'm sometimes quite nervous on the phone. B:( ).
A: Are you? I am fine.
B: Yes, why don't you call them?
C: Yes, of course. I will phone them for you.

(单选题)10: I'm bad at spelling, but Jane is ( ) me.
A: bad with
B: worse than
C: less than

(单选题)11: A:( ). B:Hi. My name's Rose. Are you from London?
A: Hello, I'm Paul. What's your name?
B: Hello, who are you? What's your name?
C: Where are you from?

(单选题)12: John is ( ) experienced at training than Mary is.
A: more
B: worse
C: much

(单选题)13: My aunt ( ) for her friends at home.
A: enjoy cooking
B: enjoys cook
C: enjoys cooking

(单选题)14: Who is that man over there? Do you know ( )name?
A: his
B: he's
C: he

(单选题)15: A: I haven't got a car. B: ( ).
A: Neither have I
B: Neither do I
C: Neither am I

(单选题)16: I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. ( )?
A: What do you do
B: What you are doing
C: What are you doing

(单选题)17: This radio is ( ) than that one.
A: more expensive
B: very expensive
C: as expensive

(单选题)18: We often have ( ) supper at home.
A: us
B: ours
C: our

(单选题)19: It ( )heavily here at this moment.
A: rain
B: rains
C: is raining

(单选题)20: Rose is ( ) easy-going than Frank in the interview.
A: much
B: many
C: much more

(单选题)21: A:Hello. I'm David Manning. Nice to meet you. B: ( ).
A: I'm nice, too
B: Fine, thank you
C: Nice to meet you too. I'm Xiaoyan

(单选题)22: I sometimes go to the pub ( ) Friday ( ) my colleagues.
A: on, with
B: at, to
C: in, for

(单选题)23: A:I don't get up late on Sundays. B:( ).
A: Neither have I
B: Neither am I
C: Neither do I

(单选题)24: ( )people are coming for the party?
A: How often
B: How much
C: How many

(单选题)25: A. Oh, dear. I've got a temperature. B. You ( )have some aspirins to reduce it.
A: have
B: need
C: should

(单选题)26: A:I am from England. B: ( ).
A: So am I
B: So do I
C: So have I

(单选题)27: A: ( )is David from? B:I think he's an American. But I'm not sure.
A: Where
B: What
C: How

(单选题)28: A:So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park? B:Yes, I ( ) it.
A: love
B: am loving
C: loves

(单选题)29: Mr Manning ( ) in Paris today and tomorrow.
A: work
B: working
C: is working

(单选题)30: He ( )in travelling.
A: is interested
B: interested
C: interests

(单选题)31: How do I ( )the gym?
A: get to
B: arrive
C: go

(单选题)32: Sally's parents ( )come and stay with her soon.
A: are going
B: are going to
C: is going to

(单选题)33: Have you got ( ) lychees?
A: some
B: any
C: /

(单选题)34: I don't need ( )mineral water, but I'd like ( )_tea, thanks.
A: some,any
B: any,any
C: any,some

(单选题)35: It often ( ) in winter in the north of China.
A: snow
B: is snowing
C: snows

(单选题)36: Sally ( ) in an office in central London.
A: is work
B: work
C: works

(单选题)37: Hello, ( )Franco Rossi speaking. Can I speak to Polly Williams?
A: this is
B: he is
C: I am

(单选题)38: James is ( ) French than Polly.
A: a bit better at
B: a bit more good at
C: a bit good at

(单选题)39: You need to reduce your temperature, so you ( )take some medicine.
A: need
B: should
C: will

(单选题)40: Mary and Xiaoyan ( )a housewarming party from 1pm-5pm on Saturday.
A: are having
B: is having
C: have

(单选题)41: What's the weather ( )this winter?
A: like
B: in
C: be

(单选题)42: On my way home, I quite often ( ) the milk man.
A: see with
B: meet into
C: come across

(单选题)43: ( ) name is Jane. ( ) is from the USA.
A: Her, She
B: She's, She
C: Her, Her

(单选题)44: John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing. Rose: ( ). Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.
A: Hello, Linda! How are you?
B: Hello, Linda! I am pleased to meet you.
C: Good evening, Linda.

(单选题)45: David's younger brother is ( )engineer.
A: a
B: an
C: the

(单选题)46: A:He has got two sisters. B:( ).
A: So have I
B: So am I
C: So do I

(单选题)47: A:Why don't you go to an estate agent, then, you're talking face to face? B:Well, ( ).
A: I would like
B: That's a shame
C: I don't know

(单选题)48: I'm a deputy manager. I work ( )an IT company.
A: for
B: about
C: of

(单选题)49: The news is not new at all. It is ( ).
A: no
B: quite old
C: enough old

(单选题)50: My cousin doesn't ( ) serious (严肃的) TV programmes on the weekends.
A: like watch
B: enjoy watching
C: love watch

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