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(单选题)1: We must depend mainly ______ our own efforts in accomplishing the task. ( ) A: into B: from C: on D: to 正确答案: C (单选题)2: Wheel A turns ______ wheel B. () A: as fast as five times B: five times as fast as C: as five times as
(单选题)1: We must depend mainly ______ our own efforts in accomplishing the task. ( )
A: into
B: from
C: on
D: to

(单选题)2: Wheel A turns ______ wheel B. ()
A: as fast as five times
B: five times as fast as
C: as five times as fast
D: as five times fast as

(单选题)3: The British troops ______ 500 miles a day by car. ( )
A: covered
B: took
C: came
D: passed

(单选题)4: We will carry out the plan ______ he has any objections. ( )
A: if
B: unless
C: until
D: before

(单选题)5: The baby smiled ______ he understood what the mother said. ( )
A: as for
B: as how
C: as far as
D: as if

(单选题)6: ____his wealth, he is not happy. ( )
A: Except for
B: Because of
C: In spite of
D: Besides

(单选题)7: The football game will be played on ______. ( )
A: June six
B: six June
C: the six of June
D: the sixth of June

(单选题)8: Bob’s doctor suggests______ for a few days. ( )
A: that he rest
B: that he is resting
C: his resting
D: him to rest

(单选题)9: You______ me, because I didn’t say that. ( )
A: must misunderstand
B: must be misunderstood
C: must have misunderstood
D: had to misunderstand

(单选题)10: We moved to the front row ______we could hear and see better. ( )
A: so that
B: so as
C: because
D: such that

(单选题)11: John Kennedy was______ of the United States. ( )
A: the thirsty-five president
B: thirty-fifth president
C: the thirty-fifth president
D: thirty- five president

(单选题)12: I’ll have a cup of coffee and ______. ( )
A: two pieces of bread
B: two breads
C: two piece of breads
D: two pieces of breads

(单选题)13: Betty moved from the dormitory______ the noise. ( )
A: in spite of
B: because
C: caused by
D: because of

(单选题)14: He ought to have handed in the paper yesterday. That’s what he______. ( )
A: should do
B: should have done
C: should be doing
D: should

(单选题)15: The paint is still wet.___ ___! ( )
A: Be sure not to touch it
B: Be not sure to touch it
C: Be sure to not touch it
D: Don’t be sure to touch it

(单选题)16: The most important thing is for NATO to meet the Chinese requests and _________ full responsibility for the attack. ( )
A: bring
B: take
C: give
D: carry

(单选题)17: His son was found guilty, which brought _____ to the whole family. ( )
A: interest
B: flame
C: disgrace
D: impression

(单选题)18: You ought to ______ your food properly before swallowing it. ( )
A: chew
B: lick
C: bite
D: eat

(单选题)19: I______ up some English while on my holiday abroad. ( )
A: took
B: looked
C: picked
D: brushed

(单选题)20: Now many employers have _____ to regard a master's degree as minimum training. ( )
A: insisted
B: managed
C: give
D: come

(单选题)21: They ______ a portrait of Lu Xun on the wall. ( )
A: hanged up
B: were hung
C: hung up
D: hanged

(单选题)22: What he wanted most was ______. ( )
A: comforting
B: comfort
C: console
D: comfortable

(单选题)23: I _____ to be charged with stealing his watch. ( )
A: was wronged
B: was wrong
C: conformed
D: was excused

(单选题)24: His teacher's blame really ______ him. He burst into crying. ( )
A: harmed
B: hurt
C: injured
D: damaged

(单选题)25: His father is a renowned businessman, ______? ( )
A: isn't he
B: or something
C: is he
D: or not

(单选题)26: John is ______ of the two boys. ( )
A: the stupidest
B: stupider
C: the stupider
D: more stupid

(单选题)27: The workers are having talks with the ______. ( )
A: management
B: managers
C: manage
D: managing

(单选题)28: _____ we would not have succeeded in our experiment. ( )
A: Without you helped us
B: But for you helped us
C: But you helped us
D: If you had not helped us

(单选题)29: The discussion ______ a wide range of subjects. ( )
A: covered
B: dealt
C: did
D: had

(单选题)30: We were held ______ for five minutes in a traffic jam. ( )
A: on
B: out
C: up
D: to

(单选题)31: Each side ______ its own position on this question. ( )
A: stuck to
B: persisted of
C: presented
D: insisted in

(单选题)32: He solemnly ______ that a new independent country was founded. ( )
A: affirmed
B: declared
C: stated
D: proclaimed

(单选题)33: ______ that they will not be late. ( )
A: Ensure
B: Make sure
C: Assure
D: Convince

(单选题)34: He ______ a bus slowing down before the stop. ( )
A: caught sight of
B: was in sight of
C: was within sight of
D: found out

(单选题)35: There was more than ______rain and snow last year; so many parts of the country have been flooded this spring. ( )
A: adequate
B: extra
C: efficient
D: permanent

(单选题)36: It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some ______repairs. ( )
A: major
B: secondary
C: minor
D: primary

(单选题)37: With the population explosion, scientists will have to ______new methods of increasing the world’s food supply. ()
A: lead to
B: come up with
C: carry out
D: stick to

(单选题)38: One of his many faults is that he never ______ anything very long. ( )
A: decides on
B: goes over
C: sticks to
D: makes sure

(单选题)39: It was very _______ of you to let us know you were going to be late. ( )
A: considerate
B: considerable
C: considering
D: considered

(单选题)40: If you won't agree to our plan, __________. ( )
A: neither they will
B: they will neither
C: neither will they
D: they won't neither

(单选题)41: In this hospital patients with measles were isolated by glass walls ____ those suffering from other diseases. ( )
A: for
B: from
C: in
D: over

(单选题)42: He has an enormous ________ for classical music and classic literature. ( )
A: appetite
B: smell
C: interest
D: power

(单选题)43: Traditionally, Chinese businessmen often make their deals _______ dinner. ( )
A: over
B: with
C: for
D: by

(单选题)44: We went out into the street again and took a______ at the biggest tower. ( )
A: look
B: notice
C: consider
D: sight

(单选题)45: It has been twenty years ______ the Browns settled down in China. ( )
A: until
B: before
C: when
D: since

(单选题)46: Beijing is the city ______ he is longing to visit. ( )
A: where
B: that
C: in which
D: what

(单选题)47: As the clouds drifted away, an even higher peak became______ to the climbers. ( )
A: visible
B: insight
C: obvious
D: apparent

(单选题)48: The old woman felt very ____ when her daughter forgot her birthday. ( )
A: deceived
B: disappointed
C: deserted
D: unfortunate

(单选题)49: I hope you will forget all the unhappiness I've_____ you. ( )
A: bothered
B: suspected
C: interfered
D: caused

(单选题)50: This mountain scenery is _____ of the Philippines. ( )
A: typical
B: attractive
C: natural
D: inspiring

(单选题)51: The football game will be played ______ the sixth of June. ( )
A: at
B: in
C: on
D: about

(单选题)52: You shouldn't use such bad language ______ of the students. ( )
A: in front
B: in the front
C: in appearance
D: facing

(单选题)53: I still remember us ______ had a pleasant holiday by the lake. ( )
A: to have
B: of having
C: hid
D: having

(单选题)54: He said he really couldn't ______ to offend such people in those days. ( )
A: spend
B: afford
C: take
D: cost

(单选题)55: When he heard the news that he was selected to study abroad, he jumped _____ joy. ( )
A: of
B: into
C: with
D: because of

(单选题)56: The negotiation has already been broken ______. ( )
A: out
B: off
C: away
D: in

(单选题)57: I don't think ______ he believed my reason because he had turned a deaf ear to me. ( )
A: at every moment
B: for moment
C: for a moment
D: for the moment

(单选题)58: Your remarks are rather ______ because everyone stands by her. ( )
A: out of the place
B: out of place
C: in the place
D: in place of

(单选题)59: My first ______ at English composition was poor, but now it is not the case. ( )
A: attend
B: aim
C: attempt
D: intention

(单选题)60: The shop man was _____ his window during the festival. ( )
A: lying out
B: laying to
C: arranging for
D: laying out

(单选题)61: The representative talks as if he ______ all about the real feeling of the audience. ( )
A: knew
B: knows
C: has known
D: had knew

(单选题)62: Do not persuade him to stay because he has _____ of staying. ( )
A: no intense
B: no intention
C: not intention
D: no intend

(单选题)63: Even if he was at school for a long time, he could _____ read and write. ( )
A: nor
B: almost
C: barely
D: even

(单选题)64: The roof began to _____ because of the great weight on it. ( )
A: give way
B: give up
C: give in
D: give back

(单选题)65: When we reached the top of Mount Tai, a magnificent view of the land ______us. ( )
A: presented
B: greeted
C: gave
D: spread

(单选题)66: The thief steals whatever he can _____. ( )
A: get his hands on
B: lay his fingers on
C: have a hand in
D: put his hand to

(单选题)67: We are to have a class meeting before we _______for the vacation. ( )
A: break off
B: break down
C: break through
D: break up

(单选题)68: Ted agreed to ________ the strike if the company would satisfy the demand of the workers. ( )
A: call out
B: call off
C: call to
D: call on

(单选题)69: In the last few years, the Internet and the World Wide Web have become______ words; almost everyone has heard of them. ( )
A: family
B: home
C: household
D: house

(单选题)70: Vicki never worried or hesitated about anything, she just ______it and almost always got whatever she wanted. ( )
A: went for
B: went by
C: went over
D: went with

(单选题)71: The reason 800 million people go hungry today is not that there isn’t enough food in the world, ______that these people cannot get the food anyway. ( )
A: despite
B: but
C: even
D: except

(单选题)72: As she matured as an artist, she______ realize that “all artists are a product of their culture.” ( )
A: kept to
B: took to
C: came to
D: went to

(单选题)73: My son failed to come back home last night. This morning the police came to our house and ______ my worst fears that he was injured in a car accident. ( )
A: advocated
B: insured
C: confirmed
D: promised

(单选题)74: The audience _____ warm cheers. ( )
A: broke off
B: broke in
C: broke in on
D: broke into

(单选题)75: He _____ his hat behind the door and took his place at the desk. ( )
A: took off
B: tried on
C: put away
D: hung up

(单选题)76: Nothing is _______ after the earthquake. Even trees and house are turned over. ( )
A: in sight
B: in place
C: in order
D: in turn

(单选题)77: The police tried in vain to _____ the people _______ from the spot. ( )
A: drive...away
B: fight …back
C: drop...out
D: break...down

(单选题)78: My feelings were _____ when she didn't ask me to her party. ( )
A: wounded
B: hurt
C: injured
D: damaged

(单选题)79: During the past few months, the young girl has shown great ______ as a good dancer. ( )
A: background
B: foundation
C: potential
D: generation

(单选题)80: Do you think that these new methods will _____? ( )
A: run
B: operate
C: act
D: work

(单选题)81: That opera is based ______ an actual occurrence. ( )
A: on
B: for
C: with
D: above

(单选题)82: ______ the end of the meeting ______ he had made a serious mistake. ( )
A: Until ... did the chairman find
B: Not until ... did the chairman find
C: Until ... the chairman found
D: Not until ... the chairman found

(单选题)83: When will the wedding ______? ( )
A: take the place
B: take places
C: take place
D: take place of

(单选题)84: We must prevent this disease ______ spreading. ( )
A: on
B: from
C: into
D: for

(单选题)85: The ______ to the house was a narrow path and was often held up by traffic jams. ( )
A: method
B: fair way
C: approach
D: decision

(单选题)86: He has no other interests ______ he is fond of collecting stamps. ( )
A: except that
B: beside
C: besides
D: except for

(单选题)87: I can't walk 10 miles; I know my own ______. ( )
A: limits
B: conditions
C: resources
D: identities

(单选题)88: The executive art editor planned to be secretly married _____ his beloved girl. ( )
A: with
B: of
C: to
D: at

(单选题)89: When the bus arrived at the station, he got off and made _____to go home. ( )
A: a way
B: the way
C: his way
D: way

(单选题)90: Pay special attention to ______ your teacher speaks English. ( )
A: the way of
B: the way
C: the way which
D: the way that

(单选题)91: Japanese differs ______ Chinese in many respects. ( )
A: on
B: at
C: in
D: from

(单选题)92: The local police are ______ the fires that have occurred recently. ( )
A: looking out
B: looking into
C: looking up
D: looking on

(单选题)93: You may borrow my book ______ you promise to return it tomorrow. ( )
A: as long as
B: as far as
C: as good as
D: as just as

(单选题)94: The offices on the second floor are ______ by a firm ( )
A: lodged
B: occupied
C: exhibited
D: exploited

(单选题)95: The teacher asked them to ______ the selected material after class. ( )
A: go over
B: take out
C: skim on
D: examine with

(单选题)96: An average student should know that he needs to spend more time______ so that ______ a top student. ( )
A: studying ... he is
B: to study ... he is
C: studying ... he will be
D: to study ... he will be

(单选题)97: Since he was a boy, one of his ______ has been stamp-collecting. ( )
A: hobbies
B: proposals
C: customs
D: adventures

(单选题)98: You must make ______ of any opportunities you have of practicing oral English. ( )
A: means
B: use
C: sense
D: usage

(单选题)99: Identify the errors in the following sentence:The salad tasted so well that my brother returned to the salad bar for another helping. ( )
A: so well
B: returned
C: to the salad bar
D: another helping

(单选题)100: If you ______your name and address on the card, we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned. ( )
A: go over
B: find out
C: fill in
D: carry out

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