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Bill and his family has been living in the six-family buildi

时间:2022-06-03 12:48来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
2. Bill and his family has been living in the six-family building for years. All the neighbours got along fairly well each other until recently. An old man and his wife used to live on the second floor. Bil
2. Bill and his family has been living in the six-family building
for years. All the neighbours got along fairly well each other until
An old man and his wife used to live on the second floor. Bill's
mother and the old lady were good friends. Unfortunately the old lady died
last month. Her husband could not live alone, so he had his grandson move
over and live with him.
The grandson has become a problem to all the neighbours, especially
to Bill's family. The walls of the building are thin and he is noisy. Bill
is used to peace and quiet but the young man likes to the radio late at
night. Sometimes friends of his visit and they make a lot of noise. That
is too much for Bill's family.
Bill's mother once asked the old man politely if he was able to sleep
well at night, but obviously the man didn't understand what she meant. If
he did and spoke to his grandson, the young man obviously didn't listen,
since things haven't changed any. Everyone in Bill's family agrees that
something must be done though they don't want to hurt the kind old man.1).
Bill's family got angry because ______  .
A. the old lady had died
B. a young man moved in
C. the old man could not live alone
D. the grandson made a lot of noise
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