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I get jumpy inside when I get jealous and I find it hard to

时间:2022-07-06 11:22来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. I get jumpy inside when I get jealous and I find it hard to control that. At first I try to avoid it, try to pretend it's not there. Mostly that works for me; my jealous feelings are fleeting things anyway. They never last very long.
1. I get jumpy inside when I get jealous and I find it hard to control that. At first I try to avoid it, try to pretend it's not there. Mostly that works for me; my jealous feelings are fleeting things anyway. They never last very long.
I know that jealousy is real and I don't want to deny it in me, but I don't like the physical feeling it gives me. I sometimes like the feelings behind the jealousy and being made to feel jealous. It says to me that I care enough, like someone enough to be moved in that way. It means that I am still in touch with someone in a relationship and that the relationship is important to me, whether it's a male friend or a woman.
When I am jealous it's as if someone was intruding on some private territory. But once I understand what's happening I can talk about it with the people involved and understand it's not threatening to my relationship, it seems okay. It seems like me giving permission to come into something that is personal and private. It can start out to be very private, but that can be negotiated.
Sometimes I wish I could talk about it more with the person that causes me to be jealous, but sometimes I don't think that's a way I should be and I don't talk about it. Anyhow, jealousy is real and I don't want to hide it. Sometimes I don't want to talk about it because the person I'm dealing with is not important enough for me to spend the time and energy it would take to straighten things out. If it's someone I care about and am going to be spending more time with, I think I can and would talk about what's bothering me.
When I get down to it, I think my jealousy has to do with low self-esteem, low self-concept or feeling inadequate. Mostly it's built around insecurity. But I don't know if I'll ever become that secure as to not experience some jealousy. I don't want anyone to be that meaningless to me. It seems kind of dangerous to me to be that sure.
Question:Which of the following statements is true concerning the author's idea about jealousy?
A. Jealousy always makes him feel so terrible that he wants to get rid of it right away.
B. Jealousy is a completely private matter.
C. Sometimes jealousy doesn't affect his relationship with others.
D. Jealousy is not communicable.
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