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时间:2021-12-23 14:10来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? — __________. A: Sorry, he is busy at the moment B: No, you can’t C: Sorry, you can’t D: I don’t know 正确答案: A (单选题)2: I didn’t see the minister, ____ did I see the secretary
(单选题)1: — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? — __________.
A: Sorry, he is busy at the moment
B: No, you can’t
C: Sorry, you can’t
D: I don’t know

(单选题)2: I didn’t see the minister, ____ did I see the secretary.
A: so
B: nor
C: neither
D: none

(单选题)3: — You’ve won the basketball game. Congratulations! —____________
A: Oh, not really.
B: No one else could do it.
C: Thank you. We’re really lucky.
D: It’s good of you to say so.

(单选题)4: Seeing the police coming, away ____.
A: the thieves ran
B: had the thieves run
C: ran the thieves
D: did the thieves run

(单选题)5: ___________ in this light, the matter is not as serious as people generally suppose.
A: To see
B: Seen
C: Seeing
D: Being seen

(单选题)6: Shanghai is the place _____ the great Communist Party of China was born.
A: which
B: where
C: when
D: that

(单选题)7: If I can help         , I don’t like working late into the night.
A: so
B: that
C: it
D: them

(单选题)8: The little girl must have lain there for a long time, ___________?
A: musn't she
B: hasn't she
C: wasn't she
D: didn't she

(单选题)9: Everything seems all right, ___________?
A: doesn't it
B: won't it
C: hasn't it
D: don't they

(单选题)10: — Why was Fred so upset?— He isn’t used _________ criticized.
A: be
B: to be
C: to being
D: having been

(单选题)11: On seeing this sight, the audience can’t help but ______.
A: to laugh
B: laughing
C: laugh
D: being laughed

(单选题)12: ______ adequate preparations, they thought it better to postpone the journey till next week.
A: Not to have made
B: Not making
C: Not having made
D: Having not made

(单选题)13: — I’m glad you like it. Please drop in any time you like. — __________
A: Yes, I will.
B: I’m afraid I won’t be free.
C: Is it all right?
D: That’s great.

(单选题)14: You’ll fail in the driving test ______ you have more practice.
A: if
B: unless
C: when
D: after

(单选题)15: Very soon after the ________ of the fight the young man was arrested.
A: outbreak
B: outlook
C: outlet
D: outcome

(单选题)16: —What would you do if it ____ tomorrow? —We have to carry it on, since we’ve got everything ready.
A: rain
B: is raining
C: will rain
D: rains

(单选题)17: The young scientist ________ to have discovered a new planet.
A: suggests
B: claims
C: pursues
D: deals

(单选题)18: He had us ________ all through the meal.
A: laughes
B: laughed
C: to laugh
D: laughing

(单选题)19: In the past, people used _________ that the moon was too far away __________. But now it is possible for man __________ there by spaceship.
A: to think, not to reach, to get
B: to think, to reach, to get
C: to thinking, to reach, will get
D: thought, to reach, to get to

(单选题)20: His parents died when he was young, so he was ____ by his aunt.
A: bred
B: fed up
C: brought up
D: grown up

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