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(单选题)1: Are you (positive) that the boy you saw in the hotel corridor was Peter? ( ) A: right B: wrong C: sure D: doubtful 正确答案: C (单选题)2: They (occasionally) stop by to see us. () A: often B: seldom C: usually D: once in a wh
(单选题)1: Are you (positive) that the boy you saw in the hotel corridor was Peter? ( )
A: right
B: wrong
C: sure
D: doubtful

(单选题)2: They (occasionally) stop by to see us. ()
A: often
B: seldom
C: usually
D: once in a while

(单选题)3: All her doubts (vanished) after she read the letter from Jimmy. ( )
A: broke
B: disappeared
C: decreases
D: grew

(单选题)4: The judge (suspected) the truth of the evidence provided by the witness. ( )
A: doubted
B: believed
C: guessed
D: realized

(单选题)5: I answered the letter (immediately). ( )
A: at once
B: briefly
C: quickly
D: swiftly

(单选题)6: Betty was (nervous) whenever she saw her history teacher. ( )
A: delighted
B: relaxed
C: disappointed
D: tense

(单选题)7: We waited more than half an hour for Beth but (eventually) we had to leave without her. ( )
A: at last
B: in the end
C: afterwards
D: reluctantly

(单选题)8: The police are (looking into) the mysterious disappearance of a two-year-old girl from home in Florida. ( )
A: finding out
B: handling
C: studying
D: investigating

(单选题)9: (As long as) you keep trying, you’ll certainly succeed. ( )
A: as
B: because
C: no matter
D: If

(单选题)10: Identify the errors in the following sentence:It was very late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time. ( )
A: very late
B: drowning boy
C: gone down
D: third time

(单选题)11: Identify the errors in the following sentence:I can’t help to think it would be fun to play such an exciting game with them. ( )
A: to think
B: would be
C: to play
D: an exciting

(单选题)12: Identify the errors in the following sentence:John said his mother would buy him a five-speeds racing bicycle for his sixteenth birthday. ( )
A: would buy him
B: five-speeds
C: for
D: sixteenth birthday

(单选题)13: Identify the errors in the following sentence:By reading the directions carefully, some mistakes in the examination cold have been avoided. ( )
A: By reading
B: carefully
C: in the examination
D: cold have been avoided

(单选题)14: Identify the errors in the following sentence:It was suggested that we tried to use gas to start a fire. ( )
A: It was suggested
B: that
C: we tried to use
D: start a fire

(单选题)15: Identify the errors in the following sentence:The old grandmother, dressed in her finest clothes and accompanied by lots of grandchildren,were smiling happily in the living room. ( )
A: dressed in
B: finest clothes
C: and accompanied by lots of
D: were

(单选题)16: Identify the errors in the following sentence:Because of her sympathy for this poor old man, the shop girl took lesser money than the actual charge for the puddings. ( )
A: sympathy
B: lesser
C: than
D: for the puddings

(单选题)17: Identify the errors in the following sentence:The foreign tourist said that he was lucky because that was the second time that he visited there. ( )
A: he was
B: that
C: the second time
D: visited

(单选题)18: Identify the errors in the following sentence:You may sell the used books to the new students at the university at a cheaper price than youpaid for them. ( )
A: used books
B: a cheaper
C: than
D: paid for

(单选题)19: Identify the errors in the following sentence:Comparing with the corresponding period of last year, the output in the first quarter rose by 10%. ( )
A: Comparing
B: corresponding
C: first quarter
D: by

(单选题)20: The movie star ______with your sister, didn’t he? ( )
A: was used to dance
B: used to dancing
C: used to dance
D: was used to dancing

(单选题)21: The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly, ______. ( )
A: her long hair flowed in the breeze
B: her long hair was flowing in the breeze
C: her long hair flow in the breeze
D: her linger hair flowing in the breeze

(单选题)22: Mother insisted that______. ( )
A: they are to be back before nine in the evening
B: they ought to be back before nine in the evening
C: they be back before nine in the evening
D: they had to be back before nine in the evening

(单选题)23: The professor paused as if ______his students to ask question on point he had just made. ( )
A: expecting
B: to expect
C: expected
D: to have expected

(单选题)24: I couldn’t understand why he pretended______ in the bookstore. ( )
A: to see me not
B: not to see me
C: not see me
D: to see me not

(单选题)25: The classroom was almost empty ______a desk or two. ( )
A: besides
B: except for
C: except
D: in addition to

(单选题)26: It was in that small room_____ they worked hard and dreamed of better days to come. ( )
A: what
B: in which
C: which
D: that

(单选题)27: ______, you must show your ticket to go into the cinema. ( )
A: No matter whoever you are
B: Whoever you are
C: Whomever you are
D: No matter who are you

(单选题)28: ______that the left side of the human brain is responsible for logic. ( )
A: It generously is believed
B: It is believed generously
C: It is generously believed
D: Generously it is believed

(单选题)29: Scientists didn’t know much about lung cancer______. ()
A: before
B: until recently
C: long before
D: in the past few years

(单选题)30: Mount Qomolangma, the Roof Ridge of the world is covered______ snow all the year around. ( )
A: of
B: in
C: by
D: with

(单选题)31: The executive art editor planned to be secretly married _____ his beloved girl who had been in love for three years. ( )
A: with
B: of
C: at
D: to

(单选题)32: At the age of four, the outstanding champion of the World Cup Athlete Tournament could stand there ______ to watch the game for a few hours. ( )
A: silently
B: silent
C: to be silent
D: of silence

(单选题)33: The old couple in this flight took ______ window seats and helped themselves. ( )
A: over
B: back
C: in
D: out

(单选题)34: When their coach came in, all the players stopped watching, whispering and ______. ()
A: laughed
B: to laugh
C: would laugh
D: laughing

(单选题)35: The tour bus slopped in Times Square, picked up some visitor and______. ( )
A: on
B: in
C: on through
D: off

(单选题)36: To give up such a chance would be an ______ decision. ( )
A: ill-advised
B: ill-advising
C: well-advising
D: well-advisedly

(单选题)37: Identify the errors in the following sentence:She insisted that we gave her thirty minutes for preparation. ( )
A: insisted
B: gave
C: thirty minutes
D: for preparation

(单选题)38: Identify the errors in the following sentence:He was singing an Anti-Japanese song, as if remembered those unforgettable days. ( )
A: was singing
B: Anti-Japanese
C: remembered
D: unforgettable

(单选题)39: Identify the errors in the following sentence:Entered the room, he took off his hat and coat and hung them up. ( )
A: Entered
B: took off
C: his hat and coat
D: hung them up

(单选题)40: Identify the errors in the following sentence:Do you know anybody who had been injured in the accident happened on the street yesterday? ( )
A: anybody
B: had been injured in
C: happened
D: on

(单选题)41: Identify the errors in the following sentence:This visit has remained a deep impression on her mind. ( )
A: visit
B: remained
C: deep
D: on

(单选题)42: Identify the errors in the following sentence:Having rejected by everybody, the student representative resigned the committee. ( )
A: Having rejected
B: everybody
C: representative
D: resigned

(单选题)43: Identify the errors in the following sentence:Of the two lectures, the first was by far the best one, partly because the person who delivered it had such a pleasant voice. ( )
A: the first
B: the best
C: it
D: such a

(单选题)44: Identify the errors in the following sentence:The chairman proposed that every speaker must limit himself to fifteenth minutes. ( )
A: every speaker
B: must limit
C: himself
D: to

(单选题)45: Identify the errors in the following sentence:That is troubling me is that I don’t have much experience in international commerce. ( )
A: That
B: is
C: much experience
D: in international commerce

(单选题)46: Identify the errors in the following sentence:When I got to the cinema, the film had already started; I ought to get there earlier. ( )
A: got to
B: had already started
C: ought to get
D: earlier

(单选题)47: China ______ its first man-made earth satellite in 1970. ( )
A: succeeded launching
B: succeeded to launch
C: succeeded in launching
D: succeeded for launching

(单选题)48: In America, when one reaches 18, he should be ______ his parents. ( )
A: independent from
B: independent to
C: independent on
D: independent of

(单选题)49: The Red Army ______25,000 li on their Long March. ( )
A: covered up
B: covered
C: covered over
D: was covered

(单选题)50: He ______ the mid-term exam because he didn't plan his time well. ( )
A: failed in
B: failed to
C: failed of
D: failed on

(单选题)51: He did not thank me for the present. That is ______ annoyed me. ( )
A: which
B: whatever
C: what
D: the thing what

(单选题)52: Her arrival ______ us, for she was not expected until the next day. ( )
A: cheated
B: suspected
C: surprised
D: advised

(单选题)53: They ______ for the West in a covered wagon. ( )
A: set to
B: set aside
C: set up
D: set off

(单选题)54: Louis was asked to clean the classroom ______. ( )
A: of herself
B: all by herself
C: by her will
D: with one hand

(单选题)55: It was on that ______ day that she left the country. ( )
A: only
B: such
C: just
D: very

(单选题)56: Mary was angry when Jane ______ her secret. ( )
A: found out
B: found for
C: found off
D: found against

(单选题)57: He often gives me some ______. ( )
A: advice
B: advices
C: advise
D: advises

(单选题)58: _____, we have to stay at home. ( )
A: Being a hot day
B: Hot weather
C: The day being hot
D: Hot climate

(单选题)59: She got two pounds a month for ______ fifteen rooms. ( )
A: looking around
B: looking for
C: looking at
D: looking after

(单选题)60: Writing stories _______ not easy. ( )
A: is
B: are
C: has
D: have

(单选题)61: ______ and you will see a high building. ( )
A: Turning to the left
B: Turn to the left
C: To turn to the left
D: Having turned to the left

(单选题)62: Only by diligence and honesty ______. ( )
A: one can succeed in life
B: one can be succeeded in life
C: can one succeed in life
D: one can be successful in life

(单选题)63: Pat ______ smiles; she is usually too sad. ( )
A: often
B: always
C: never
D: seldom

(单选题)64: The little girl trembled ______ a lion ______ fear. ( )
A: with ...at
B: at ...with
C: at ...for
D: for ...with

(单选题)65: She won't leave the TV set ______ her husband is waiting for his supper. ( )
A: because
B: as if
C: while
D: even if

(单选题)66: The meeting has been arranged ______ Tuesday evening. ( )
A: in
B: for
C: on
D: at

(单选题)67: It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some ______repairs. ( )
A: major
B: secondary
C: primary
D: minor

(单选题)68: One of his many faults is that he never ______ anything very long. ( )
A: decides on
B: goes over
C: makes sure
D: sticks to

(单选题)69: Be sure to ______ your work at the end of the exam. ( )
A: hang up
B: look over
C: set aside
D: catch sight of

(单选题)70: If you work hard______, you won’t have to sit up all night before the exam. ( )
A: at other times
B: by yourself
C: willingly
D: with some help

(单选题)71: The airplane arrived one hour behind ______. ( )
A: timetable
B: plan
C: schedule
D: date

(单选题)72: Television keeps us informed about ______events and the latest developments in science and politics. ( )
A: fashionable
B: current
C: brand new
D: previous

(单选题)73: If you ______your name and address on the card, we’ll send the book to you as soon as it is returned. ( )
A: go over
B: find out
C: fill in
D: carry out

(单选题)74: Rain does not ______bring down the temperature. ( )
A: necessarily
B: certainly
C: undoubtedly
D: completely

(单选题)75: It is his duty to ______ that everyone has enough money for the trip. ( )
A: look
B: watch
C: see
D: note

(单选题)76: Thanks to the doctor's treatment, the patient was brought _______ at last. ( )
A: up
B: out
C: about
D: through

(单选题)77: The young man was confident enough to _______ any difficulties. ( )
A: brush aside
B: drop off
C: cut down
D: leave out

(单选题)78: It is arranged that the foreign teacher ________ teach us oral English. ( )
A: ought
B: should
C: might
D: would

(单选题)79: As we expected, their project has ended ______ complete failure. ( )
A: in
B: on
C: at
D: with

(单选题)80: When they reach a certain age, army officers ________ from active service. ()
A: retreat
B: reverse
C: retire
D: remain

(单选题)81: _______ everyone expected, Tom did the best in the competition. ( )
A: As
B: Which
C: That
D: What

(单选题)82: Shall I give a chocolate to each of the children? It is better ______. ()
A: not
B: not to do
C: not do
D: not to

(单选题)83: As a teacher, you should always dress in ________ clothes. ()
A: beautiful
B: decent
C: shabby
D: bright

(单选题)84: She _______ music once a week at a middle school. ( )
A: institutes
B: instructs
C: installs
D: insists

(单选题)85: His heart had stopped _____ before the doctor arrived. ( )
A: hitting
B: beating
C: striking
D: shocking

(单选题)86: A good manager should be both competent and ______. ( )
A: efficient
B: generous
C: innocent
D: faithful

(单选题)87: People ______ when they are cold, excited or full of fear. ( )
A: tremble
B: resemble
C: assemble
D: trouble

(单选题)88: He is too proud______ his own shortcomings. ( )
A: not to see
B: to see
C: not see
D: and doesn't to see

(单选题)89: It is well-known that all ______ things are composed of cells. ( )
A: alive
B: live
C: living
D: life

(单选题)90: Let's put our heads together and ______ on a plan of action. ( )
A: choose
B: consider
C: settle
D: decide

(单选题)91: With easy articles and interesting pictures, this book is designed for ______ children. ( )
A: normal
B: average
C: efficient
D: illiterate

(单选题)92: ______ to forget what I've told you to do before you leave home. ( )
A: You are sure of
B: Never be sure
C: Be sure not
D: You are not sure

(单选题)93: Could I have some milk, some orange juice and some eggs ______? ( )
A: as well
B: instead of
C: in addition of
D: so much

(单选题)94: Please ______twenty minutes each morning to read English aloud. ( )
A: set up
B: set about
C: set aside
D: set out

(单选题)95: Could you ______ my application form before I send it? ( )
A: find for
B: look over
C: hold up
D: stick to

(单选题)96: Our teacher asked us to ______ the blanks with the appropriate words. ( )
A: fill up
B: fill in
C: fill with
D: fill into

(单选题)97: The new law will ______ the workers to get extra pay from their companies. ( )
A: relieve
B: occupy
C: bring
D: enable

(单选题)98: George was not aware ______ her presence till she spoke to him. ( )
A: in
B: of
C: with
D: to

(单选题)99: Children should be taught to ______ their toys ______ others. ()
A: share ... with
B: give ... into
C: make ... in
D: work ... For

(单选题)100: We must depend mainly ______ our own efforts in accomplishing the task. ( )
A: into
B: from
C: on
D: to

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