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时间:2021-12-23 17:03来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: 第一次作业问题10 A: The choice of courses. B: A day course. C: An evening course. D: Their work. 正确答案: A (单选题)2: 第一次作业问题8 A: At a cigarette store. B: At a bus station. C: At a gas station. D: At Aunt Mary’s. 正确答
(单选题)1: 第一次作业问题10
A: The choice of courses.
B: A day course.
C: An evening course.
D: Their work.

(单选题)2: 第一次作业问题8
A: At a cigarette store.
B: At a bus station.
C: At a gas station.
D: At Aunt Mary’s.

(单选题)3: 第一次作业问题3
A: George’s brother.
B: George’s wife
C: George’s father
D: George’s wife’s father

(单选题)4: 第一次作业问题18
A: It's good for training one's character but not good for one's health
B: It cannot prepare pupils to be good citizens.
C: It has less effect on a child's character than sports and games.
D: It's as important as after-class activities.

(单选题)5: 第一次作业问题1
A: The pear.
B: The weather.
C: The sea food.
D: The cold.

(单选题)6: 第一次作业问题20
A: Practical work.
B: Collective activities
C: Teacher's encouragement
D: Book knowledge.

(单选题)7: 第一次作业问题17
A: Doubtful.
B: Positive.
C: Critical.
D: Indifferent

(单选题)8: 第一次作业问题13
A: They considered her lazy.
B: They saw something they had never seen.
C: They considered her foolish.
D: They saw something familiar to them.

(单选题)9: 第一次作业问题9
A: From upstairs.
B: From next door.
C: From the Nelson’s house.
D: From the back door.

(单选题)10: 第一次作业问题12
A: His telephone went out of order.
B: The buyers had to leave soon.
C: He began to work at 08 a.m..
D: He had made an appointment with her for 08 a.m..

(单选题)11: 第一次作业问题14
A: The prison gates are always open.
B: Its prisoner can work outside.
C: The prison has no armed guards.
D: The prison is open to the public.

(单选题)12: 第一次作业问题2
A: Mary has never studied mathematics.
B: Mary must be good at mathematics.
C: Mary enjoys learning mathematics.
D: Mary probably is poor at mathematics.

(单选题)13: 第一次作业问题11
A: Her husband had got a higher position.
B: Her husband had lost his job.
C: She wanted to have a cleaner house.
D: She wanted to move to New York.

(单选题)14: 第一次作业问题15
A: The prisoners are provided with jobs on release.
B: Its prisoners are seldom made to work overtime.
C: It is run on the principle of trusting prisoners.
D: It has no security measures.

(单选题)15: 第一次作业问题6
A: To the bank.
B: To a book store.
C: To a shoe store.
D: To the grocer.

(单选题)16: 第一次作业问题5(作业音频请到课程公告里下载)
A: At 02:35.
B: At 02:45.
C: At 03:00.
D: At 03:20.

(单选题)17: 第一次作业问题19
A: Because pupils there have to spend most of the time studying.
B: Because the school authorities insist on traditional ways of teaching.
C: Because the school authorities have neglected discipline.
D: Because pupils there are too fond of playing.

(单选题)18: 第一次作业问题16
A: One year.
B: Two years.
C: Thirteen years.
D: Fourteen years.

(单选题)19: 第一次作业问题4
A: She can use his car.
B: She can borrow someone else’s car.
C: She must get her car fixed.
D: She can’t borrow his car.

(单选题)20: 第一次作业问题7
A: Near the train station.
B: In the countryside.
C: In the city.
D: Near her work place.

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