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时间:2021-12-23 17:16来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: In a typhoon, winds ___ a speed greater than 120kms per hour. A: assume B: accomplish C: attain D: assemble 正确答案: C (单选题)2: No matter ________ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home saf
(单选题)1: In a typhoon, winds ___ a speed greater than 120kms per hour.
A: assume
B: accomplish
C: attain
D: assemble

(单选题)2: No matter ________ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and drive them back home safely.
A: it was snowing hard
B: hard it was snowing
C: how it was snowing hard
D: how hard it was snowing

(单选题)3: Had you come five minutes earlier, you ________ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.
A: would catch
B: would have caught
C: could catch
D: should catch

(单选题)4: ________ girl dressed ________ black is her sister Rose.
A:  A/ in
B: A/ on 
C: The/ on
D: The/ in

(单选题)5: He wrote about 90 ___.
A: poetry
B: poetries
C: poetrys
D: poems

(单选题)6: It is not that we are more eager, ___ we have invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process.
A: so
B: but that
C: or
D: only because

(单选题)7: She can stay in her workroom for 10 hours without eating or sleeping, all her attention ___ her
A: focusing on
B: focused on
C: focusing in
D: focused in

(单选题)8: Today's weather is ________ worse than yesterday's.
A: very
B: much
C: very much
D: much too

(单选题)9: Nancy is________ girl.
A: a eighteen-year-old
B: an eighteen-years-old
C: a eighteen-years-old
D: an eighteen-year-old

(单选题)10: ________ her and then try to copy what she does.
A: Mind
B: See
C: Stare at
D: Watch

(单选题)11: They always give the vacant seats to ___ comes first.
A: whoever
B: whomever
C: who
D: whom

(单选题)12: We’ll visit Europe next year ___ we have enough money.
A: provided
B: unless
C: until
D: lest

(单选题)13: Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have ________ of fat.
A: a large number
B: the large number
C: a large amount
D: the large amount

(单选题)14: No one had told Smith about ___ a lecture the following day.
A: there be
B: there would be
C: there was
D: there being

(单选题)15: Harry was ___ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.
A: scratched
B: bitten
C: stuck
D: stung

(单选题)16: Putting in a new window will ___ cutting away part of the roof.
A: include
B: involve
C: contain
D: comprise

(单选题)17: The shop assistant was dismissed as she was ___ of cheating customers.
A: accused
B: charged
C: scolded
D: cursed

(单选题)18: The young lady coming over to us ________ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
A: must  be
B: can  be
C: would  be
D: could  be

(单选题)19: The train is bound ___ London.
A: to
B: towards
C: toward
D: for

(单选题)20: Wouldn’t you rather your child ___ to bed early?
A: go
B: went
C: would go
D: goes

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