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(单选题)1: Shakespeare’s plays written between _____ are sometimes called“romances”(16世纪)and all end in reconciliation and reunion. A: 1590 and 1594 B: 1595 and 1600 C: 1601 and 1607 D: 1608 and 1612 正确答案: A (单选题)2: Literary w
(单选题)1: Shakespeare’s plays written between _____ are sometimes called “romances”(16世纪)and all end in reconciliation and reunion.
A: 1590 and 1594
B: 1595 and 1600
C: 1601 and 1607
D: 1608 and 1612

(单选题)2: Literary works, such as epic, were mostly written in __________before Middle Ages.
A: French
B: Latin
C: Greek
D: Germanic

(单选题)3: Western Europeans were mainly divided into three classes under feudalism. Which one of the following is not one of them?
A: clergy
B: lords
C: merchants
D: peasants

(单选题)4: Which of the following is not true about Dante?
A: Dante was a great Italian poet.
B: Dante wrote Beowulf
C: Dante wrote his masterpiece in Italian
D: Dante was a great political thinker

(单选题)5: Scientists in the 17th century,such ans Galileo and Newton,attached great importance to ________
A: deductive reasoning
B: classical authority
C: direct observation and experiment
D: humanist learning

(单选题)6: In the city states of Athens, all male adult citizens are invited to participate in the "citizen assembly". Every citizen has the opportunity to become a member of the "citizen assembly" by drawing lots,the chairman in office, the jurors of the jury court and the members of the 500 member conference. " This material focuses on______
A: citizens' enthusiasm for participating in politics
B: fairness of democratic system
C: universality of democratic system
D: perfection of democratic system

(单选题)7: In his lifetime Chaucer served in a great variety of occupations that had impact on the wide range of his writings. Which one is not his career? ____.
A: engineer
B: courtier
C: office holder
D: soldier

(单选题)8: came into the throne at the age of 25 and reined the country for 45 years while remaining single.
A: Elizabeth I
B: Elizabeth II
C: Mary
D: Victoria

(单选题)9: _________, the Hebrews wandered through the deserts of the Middle East.
A: some 3580 years ago
B: some 3800 years ago
C: some 3780 years ago
D: some 3600 years ago

(单选题)10: The most famous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called _____.
A: Morte d’Arthur
B: Robin Hood
C: The Canterbury Tales
D: Piers the Plowman

(单选题)11: After a Germanic general killed the last Roman emperor, and in the place of the ancient Rome rised many Germanic kingdoms, which grow into the nations known as __________. Which one does not belong to them?
A: England
B: Finland
C: Spain
D: Italy

(单选题)12: The first king to unite the Hebrews was a warrior-famer name________ .
A: Moses
B: Joshua
C: Saul
D: David

(单选题)13: Walt Whitman's_________ expresses his grief over the death of Lincoln.
A: When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomd
B: I Sit and Look Out
C: Song of Myself
D: The Soul

(单选题)14: To the pilgrims of Christianity, Jewish people and Muslims, __________ is the most holy place for them to fight with each other.
A: Mecca
B: Jerusalem
C: Canaan
D: Palestine

(单选题)15: he most important and influential of English bible is the “authorized” or________ version, first published in 1611.
A: John Wycliffs
B: William Tyndales
C: King James
D: Miles Converdales

(单选题)16: _____is one of the forerunners of modern socialist thought.
A: Phillip Sidney
B: Edmund Spenser
C: Thomas More
D: Walter Raleigh

(单选题)17: Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named _____ based on Boccaccio’s poem “Filostrato”.
A: The Legend of Good Women
B: Troilus and Criseyde
C: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
D: Beowulf

(单选题)18: ___________ was acclaimed the greatest of all anti-slavery manifestoes.
A: Leaves of Grass
B: A Description of New England
C: Uncle Tom's Cabin
D: The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

(多选题)19: Alexander Pope was ________________ and ______________ of the 18th century.
A: the great poet
B: verse satirist
C: the great singer
D: the great artist

(多选题)20: What does the Old Testament mainly deal with?
A: God
B: the Laws of Go
C: heaven
D: all kinds of God

(多选题)21: ________ are the highly industrialized ceuntries in Europe and the world.
A: France
B: England
C: Italy
D: Germany

(多选题)22: What are the four schools of philosophers who often argued with each other in the 4th century B.C.in Greece?
A: Cynics
B: the Sceptics
C: the Epicureans
D: the Stoics

(多选题)23: Which of the following works are Sartre's work.
A: The Wall
B: The Flies
C: No Exit
D: The Erasers

(判断题)24: Christianity is by far the most influential religious in the world.
A: 对
B: 错

(判断题)25: Abraham led the Hebrews to the Promised Land, which roughly corresponds to the present day Jerusalem.
A: 对
B: 错

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