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时间:2021-12-24 12:27来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: 4、()Why did some managers survive the down-sizings? A: A) Because they are always honest in their work. B: B) Because they know how to please their employers. C: C) Because they are adept at making a profit. D: D) Because they
(单选题)1: 4、()Why did some managers survive the down-sizings?
A: A)  Because they are always honest in their work.
B: B)  Because they know how to please their employers.
C: C)  Because they are adept at making a profit.
D: D)  Because they have developed a good personnel networking.

(单选题)2: The battle is of great significance when viewed in the ______ of the progress of the war.
A: perspective
B: promise
C: prospective
D: preview

(单选题)3: 3、()How did the author realize that he had made a cultural blunder?
A: A) He studied Russian etiquette after his first visit to Russia.
B: B) He got a hint from the lady he offered the banana to.
C: C) He was politely corrected by a Russian during his third visit.
D: D) He consulted some books and realized his mistake.

(单选题)4: The traditional Chinese dragon boat race , ______ more than two thousand years ago, brings brave young men from every corner of the country every year in the pursuit of glory.
A: received
B: conceived
C: perceived
D: imagined

(单选题)5: The energy bill is bound to be heavily ________ in Congress for it is out of date now.
A: crippled
B: crisped
C: amended
D: consoled

(单选题)6: It took him quite a few hours to get the doctor’s address from a(an)______ of doctors.
A: pamphlet
B: directory
C: inventory
D: guidebook

(单选题)7: Lucy managed a laugh that ________ the silence like a dropped mirror.
A: sprinkled
B: shattered
C: extinguished
D: sculptured

(单选题)8: I wrote this article to pay ________ to my respectable teacher, who set me on the path of writing
A: recognition
B: stereotype
C: tribute
D: expertise

(单选题)9: The TV series, ______ from a novel with the same title, became an overnight favorite among the audience across the country.
A: filmed
B: developed
C: acted
D: carried

(单选题)10: The new President said she would ______ herself to protecting the rights of the old and the homeless.
A: cling
B: cater
C: addict
D: dedicate

(问答题)11: 根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。你特别喜欢的食物;2.你喜欢的理由。

(问答题)12: Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a short passage on Internet. You should write at least 80 words and base your passage on the Chinese outline below:1. 因特网与现代社会2. 因特网对生活的影响3. 你对一天我的看法

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