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时间:2021-12-23 17:17来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: I can say with ___ that our performance will be a success. A: certain B: certainty C: sure D: surely 正确答案: B (单选题)2: You can’t ___ 200 calories a day. A: live by B: live on C: live with D: live up to 正确答案: B (单选题)3
(单选题)1: I can say with ___ that our performance will be a success.
A: certain
B: certainty
C: sure
D: surely

(单选题)2: You can’t ___ 200 calories a day.
A: live by
B: live on
C: live with
D: live up to

(单选题)3: The snails are going to leave their old house and move to a new ___.
A: ones
B: one

(单选题)4: Circus tiger, although they have been tamed, can ___ attack their trainer.
A: unexpectedly
B: deliberately
C: reluctantly
D: subsequently

(单选题)5: My elder brother ___ as a lawyer.
A: puts into practice
B: keeps himself in practice
C: is out of practice
D: is in practice

(单选题)6: Beethoven is my favourite musician. I regard him as ___ other musicians.
A: superior to
B: more superior
C: more superior than
D: superior

(单选题)7: Susan wants to know whether the measures have been agreed ___.
A: to
B: with
C: over
D: upon

(单选题)8: They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ___.
A: end
B: conclusion
C: result
D: judgement

(单选题)9: It was because the applicant was too conceited ___ he failed in the interview.
A: that
B: so that
C: so
D: therefore

(单选题)10: The story that follows ___ two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.
A: concerns
B: states
C: proclaims
D: relates

(单选题)11: It’s the kind of story we ___ as myth.
A: think of
B: think of it
C: think it of
D: think

(单选题)12: Between the two given choices the former one sounds reasonable while the ___ seems unacceptable to us.
A: second
B: last
C: latter
D: later

(单选题)13: He considered it his good ___ to have won her love.
A: prospect
B: fortune
C: opportunity
D: chance

(单选题)14: He decided not to attend the funeral ___ there was a security problem.
A: because
B: because of
C: due to
D: owing to

(单选题)15: I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ___ a quiet neighborhood.
A: all in all
B: above all
C: after all
D: over all

(单选题)16: He has a natural ___ for painting.
A: altititude
B: gratitude
C: aptitude
D: attitude

(单选题)17: He always tends to go from one ___ to the other.
A: start
B: extreme
C: hand
D: end

(单选题)18: A man was ___ with suspicion of having murdered the mayor.
A: charged
B: arrested
C: accused
D: suspected

(单选题)19: If I had remembered ___ the window, the thief would not have got in.
A: to close
B: to have closed
C: closing
D: having closde

(单选题)20: In Britain today women ___ 44% of the workforce and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.
A: build up
B: make up
C: stand for
D: conform to

(单选题)21: Most people (A) work to earn a living (B) and they produce goods and services(C). Services are such things like (D) education, medicine, and commerce. (选择有误的一项)
A: Most people
B: a living
C: goods and services
D: such things like

(单选题)22: If I don’t get a pay rise I’ll ___.
A: stop
B: quit
C: pause
D: quilt

(单选题)23: We haven’t been able to find out the ___ of the rumour.
A: source
B: cause
C: origin
D: reason

(单选题)24: I can’t ___ what that object is.
A: make up
B: make over
C: make out
D: make for

(单选题)25: The two boys had so ___ in common that they soon became good friends.
A: little
B: few
C: much
D: many

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