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时间:2021-12-23 18:29来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: 第二次作业问题3 A: She eats less now. B: She doesn’t eat special food now. C: She is used to eating less. D: She wants to eat special food now. 正确答案: B (单选题)2: 第二次作业问题10(作业音频请到课程公告处下载) A: My father h
(单选题)1: 第二次作业问题3
A: She eats less now.
B: She doesn’t eat special food now.
C: She is used to eating less.
D: She wants to eat special food now.

(单选题)2: 第二次作业问题10(作业音频请到课程公告处下载)
A: My father has enjoyed good health recently.
B: My father’s health has never been so good.
C: My father has been ill for a long time.
D: My father has been ill these days.

(单选题)3: 第二次作业问题5
A: I don’t know how to get to the Grand Theater.
B: I don’t know if the Grand Theater is near here.
C: I enjoy seeing movies.
D: I often go to the Grand Theater.

(单选题)4: 第二次作业问题9
A: The temperature on the thermometer is 10 degrees below zero.
B: The actual temperature is above 10 degrees below zero.
C: The temperature drops because of the cold wind.
D: The temperature is abnormal for this time of the year.

(单选题)5: 第二次作业问题7
A: Why are you late?
B: The first part of the lecture is not good enough.
C: It’s a pity you didn’t come earlier.
D: You must apologize for being late.

(单选题)6: 第二次作业问题6
A: I expected easy questions.
B: Only I had difficulty with the test.
C: None of us could answer the questions easily.
D: Only I found the test easy.

(单选题)7: 第二次作业问题4
A: Everyone in the class is from England.
B: Not every student in the class likes English
C: Every students in the class finds English difficult
D: The only language spoken in Mr. Porter’s class is English

(单选题)8: 第二次作业问题2
A: They are not having lunch.
B: They are having lunch.
C: They are going to have lunch.
D: They are not going to have lunch.

(单选题)9: 第二次作业问题1
A: I want to know where tom is.
B: I don’t see why tom isn’t here.
C: I don’t know tom’s address.
D: I want to know tom’s address.

(单选题)10: 第二次作业问题8
A: Tom’s success surprised me most.
B: I knew that Tom was going to win.
C: No one was surprised when Tom won.
D: I didn’t expect Tom to win the prize.

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