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时间:2021-06-16 16:39来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. The organizer is the beneficiary of community service. 对 错 2. Some people who take part in community services are not volunteers. 对 错 3. A criminal cannot provide community service. 对 错 4. Most of the youth who volunteer in communi
1. The organizer is the beneficiary of community service.

2. Some people who take part in community services are not volunteers.

3. A criminal cannot provide community service.

4. Most of the youth who volunteer in community service are motivated by personal purposes.

5. In some high schools, students must complete certain hours of community service to receive a diploma.

6. Only students, not their parents, may be required to serve for themselves to be enrolled in a school or sports team.

7. Every university considers community service is the most important experience for students among other practices, like internship.

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