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时间:2021-12-22 20:00来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: This is change ( )never before experienced. A: with a scale B: in a scale C: for a scale D: on a scale 正确答案: D (单选题)2: He visited us yesterday evening( )we were watching TV. A: and B: as soon as C: when D: while 正确答案:
(单选题)1: This is change ( )never before experienced.
A: with a scale
B: in a scale
C: for a scale
D: on a scale

(单选题)2: He visited us yesterday evening( )we were watching TV.
A: and
B: as soon as
C: when
D: while

(单选题)3: He works in the same company ( )I do.
A: which
B: that
C: as
D: like

(单选题)4: -I'm afraid I've got terrible flu. -( ).
A: Never mind
B: Keep away from me
C: You'd better go and see a doctor
D: You need to be more careful

(单选题)5: Jack is good, hard working and intelligent. ( ). I can't speak too highly of him.
A: As a result
B: By the way
C: On the contrary
D: In a word

(单选题)6: The Gobi Desert is ( )than Britain.
A: seven times bigger
B: bigger seven times
C: seven bigger times
D: seven times big

(单选题)7: She is ( )of snakes.
A: afraid
B: fearing
C: terror
D: horrible

(单选题)8: Kate works as( )as her sister.
A: more hard
B: hardly
C: harder
D: hard

(单选题)9: -How often do you go to the cinema? -( ).
A: I like cinemas
B: Last week and the week before
C: I've never been to the cinema
D: once a year

(单选题)10: Many languages are ( )to die out.
A: likely
B: probably
C: possibly
D: mostly

(单选题)11: ( )you finish your homework, you can't watch TV.
A: If
B: Therefore
C: However
D: Unless

(单选题)12: -We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to join us? -( ).
A: I'm afraid not. Because I have an appointment with my dentist tonight
B: Of course not. I have no idea.
C: No, I can't
D: That's all set

(单选题)13: If they ( )searching, I would have died.
A: have given up
B: gave up
C: had given up
D: has given up

(单选题)14: The course was ( )good that I told my friend to do it.
A: such
B: very
C: so
D: extremely

(单选题)15: -Hello, may I talk to John please? -( ).
A: Sorry, he is busy at the moment
B: No, you can't
C: Sorry, you can't
D: I don't know

(单选题)16: Such changes can alter the social structure, ( )people to move.
A: which leading
B: leading
C: which led
D: leads

(单选题)17: -Do you mind telling me where you're from? -( ).
A: Certainly. I'm from London
B: Sure. I was born in London
C: Certainly not. I'm from London
D: Not really, you can do it

(单选题)18: He is always getting ( )me for minor mistakes.
A: for
B: at
C: away
D: over

(单选题)19: -Excuse me, is this seat free? -( ).
A: No, you can't sit here
B: Sorry, it is taken
C: Yes, it is seated by a boy
D: Yes, but I don't know

(单选题)20: ( )she passes her exams, she won't get into university.
A: If
B: Unless
C: When
D: Because

(单选题)21: The concert usually takes place at the People's Square, with the audience ( )on the ground.
A: seating
B: seated
C: be seating
D: to seat

(单选题)22: Because the twins are identical, it is impossible to tell ( ).
A: which one from the other
B: one from the other
C: one from which other
D: one and the other

(单选题)23: -Excuse me, sir. Where is the post office? -( ).
A: You can't ask me.
B: Pardon? I have no idea
C: Please don't say so
D: Sorry I don't know, but you can ask the man over there

(单选题)24: -What day is it today? -( ).
A: Today is March 25th
B: Today is Saturday
C: Today is fine
D: Today is cold

(单选题)25: -May I see the menu, please? -( ).
A: That is the menu, sir
B: Yes, please go on
C: Here you are, sir
D: Of course, sir

(单选题)26: I have no idea ( ).
A: where has he gone
B: he was where
C: where he has gone
D: where he was

(单选题)27: Would you mind telling me ( ).
A: where are you from
B: where you were from
C: where you are from
D: you are from where

(单选题)28: Tom has to work ( )his classmates since he is less clever.
A: twice as hard as
B: twice as hardly as
C: twice hard than
D: twice as harder as

(单选题)29: It's wet on the ground. It ( )yesterday evening.
A: must be
B: should be
C: must have rained
D: should have rained

(单选题)30: Are you ( )of the mistakes you have made?
A: aware
B: sure
C: clear
D: knowing

(单选题)31: The teacher has done all ( )he can to help her students.
A: which
B: what
C: -
D: when

(单选题)32: -This picture is very nice, but I think it's too small for our room. -( ).
A: I agree. Let's look for a bigger one
B: You're quite right. What a good idea
C: I agree. Our room is very small
D: I agree. Let's look for a nicer one

(单选题)33: -Can I help you with your suitcase? -( ).
A: I have no idea
B: No, no. I can carry it myself
C: That's a good idea
D: Thank you. I can manage myself

(单选题)34: -Could I use your dictionary for a moment -( ).
A: It's well
B: It doesn't matter
C: By all means
D: I have no idea

(单选题)35: -I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time. -( ).
A: That's true
B: It's hard to say
C: I like the team
D: I don't believe it

(单选题)36: Bill doesn't ( )what people say about him.
A: concern
B: matter
C: care
D: disturb

(单选题)37: Sixty million people who ( )in rural areas are moving to cities every year.
A: lived
B: lives
C: living
D: live

(单选题)38: They had succeeded ( )the task in time.
A: at completing
B: to complete
C: in completing
D: complete

(单选题)39: -What does this word mean, Joe? -( ).
A: Sorry, I don't know, either
B: Joe is a boy's name
C: Of course, I'm Joe
D: This word means Joe

(单选题)40: -I got an A in Physics. -( ).
A: Don't worry about it
B: Congratulations! That's a difficult course
C: You are very good
D: Good luck to you!

(单选题)41: I have taken many photos. I'm going to get the film ( ).
A: being developed
B: developed
C: developing
D: to be developed

(单选题)42: -What would you like to have, meat or fish? -( ).
A: Either will do
B: Yes, I like meat
C: Yes, I like fish
D: No, they are not my favorite

(单选题)43: -I'm sorry. Bob's not in his office. -( )
A: Would you like to leave a message?
B: Are you sure for that?
C: Can you take a message for me?
D: Can you phone me?

(单选题)44: By 2050 the level of industrial pollution ( )dangerous levels in many cities.
A: will have reach
B: will has reached
C: will have reached
D: will reach

(单选题)45: ( )yesterday, I would have asked him not to do that.
A: Provided he came
B: if he came
C: If he had come
D: Has he came

(单选题)46: The advertisement can ( )seen in all the top newspapers.
A: 不填
B: being
C: to
D: be

(单选题)47: Last year Mike earned ( )his brother, who has a lower position.
A: twice as much as
B: twice as many as
C: twice than
D: twice as more as

(单选题)48: ( )average women live longer than men.
A: By
B: In
C: On
D: From

(单选题)49: He couldn't ( )the trip because he had no money.
A: make
B: take
C: go
D: get

(单选题)50: Who do you think should be responsible ( )this?
A: with
B: for
C: of
D: to

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