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时间:2021-12-23 14:09来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: _______ it is very late now, the students are still working in the lab. A: As B: When C: If D: Although 正确答案: D (单选题)2: Physics _______ interesting subject. A: is an B: are an C: is a D: are a 正确答案: A (单选题)3: We wer
(单选题)1: _______ it is very late now, the students are still working in the lab.
A: As
B: When
C: If
D: Although

(单选题)2: Physics _______ interesting subject.
A: is an
B: are an
C: is a
D: are a

(单选题)3: We were deeply impressed by her important _______ to the success of the project.
A: work
B: determination
C: improvement
D: contribution

(单选题)4: ——We are planning an outing. _________ ——Sure.
A: where are you going?
B: When will you leave?
C: How is everything?
D: D. Do you want to join us?

(单选题)5: You shouldn’t ______ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.
A: cut
B: do
C: kill
D: kick

(单选题)6: — _______ —I'm suffering from a stomachache.
A: Are you feeling better?
B: Why are you here?
C: Are you pleased?
D: What's the matter with you?

(单选题)7: The word “conclusion” means _______.
A: 结构
B: 结果
C: 结婚
D: 结论

(单选题)8: The word “recently” means ________.
A: 昨天
B: 直播的
C: 最近
D: 结构

(单选题)9: —Sorry to give you so much trouble. —_________
A: I think so.
B: Oh, I'm sorry.
C: It's OK.
D: You are busy.

(单选题)10: A number of paintings in the castle are believed ______ in a fire.
A: being destroyed
B: having been destroyed
C: to be destroyed
D: to have been destroyed

(单选题)11: That factory _______ nearly 50 years ago.
A: has been built
B: had built
C: was built
D: has built

(单选题)12: ― Pleased to meet you! ― ________________
A: Pleased to meet you, too.
B: How do you do?
C: I've heard about you.
D: The pleasure is mine.

(单选题)13: The train, _______ goes to Tianjin, is air-conditioned.
A: whom
B: what
C: which
D: who

(单选题)14: The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at Professor Brian’s ______.
A: money
B: pay
C: expense
D: loss

(单选题)15: There is a woman at the counter who seems very angry and I think she means ______ trouble.
A: having made
B: make
C: to make
D: to have made

(单选题)16: The young lady coming over to us ______ our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that!
A: must be
B: can be
C: would be
D: could be

(单选题)17: By the end of 2020, China ______ much stronger and richer.
A: will become
B: would become
C: is becoming
D: will have become

(单选题)18: The event _____ at the time few years.
A: happens
B: happened
C: is happened
D: was happened

(单选题)19: Tom ____ his lessons from seven to eight last night.
A: had done
B: was doing
C: were taken
D: had been taken

(单选题)20: I do not intend to follow that, because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another ______.
A: occasion
B: situation
C: condition
D: environment

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