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时间:2021-12-23 18:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: I seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot.--- ___. A: So do I B: Neither do I C: I m the same D: So it is with me 正确答案: D (单选题)2: Politics ___ now taught in all schools. A: is B: are C: be D: being 正确答案: A (单选
(单选题)1: I seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot.--- ___.
A: So do I
B: Neither do I
C: I m the same
D: So it is with me

(单选题)2: Politics ___ now taught in all schools.
A: is
B: are
C: be
D: being

(单选题)3: The news of the president’s death ___ the world.
A: broadcast
B: astonished
C: disappointed
D: elaborated

(单选题)4: Lack of money means that the _______ of free clinics must be reduced.
A: amount
B: number
C: degree
D: quantity

(单选题)5: He seldom listens to others. He___answer for what he has done.
A: shall
B: will
C: can
D: would

(单选题)6: There are a lot of fishes___ the surface of the water.
A: on
B: at
C: under
D: below

(单选题)7: The British constitution is ___ a large extent a product of the historical events described above.
A: within
B: to
C: by
D: at

(单选题)8: He made another wonderful discovery, ___ of great importance to science .
A: which I think is
B: which I think it is
C: which I think it
D: I think which is

(单选题)9: He is very popular___ the students.
A: over
B: by
C: among
D: in

(单选题)10: May I leave the office before 5 o’clock in the afternoon?— No, I’m afraid you___.
A: needn’t
B: shouldn’t
C: mustn't
D: won’t

(单选题)11: Upon graduation he asked to be sent to ___.
A: where he is most needed
B: where he needed
C: where he is mostly needed
D: where is he mostly needed

(单选题)12: Come and sit here ___ me.
A: besides
B: close
C: to
D: beside

(单选题)13: Her house is within _______ from the police station.
A: a stone's throw
B: a stone throw
C: stone’s throw
D: the stone’s throw

(单选题)14: Lincoln was born____ February, 1809 and was shot____ the morning of Apirl 15th, 1865.
A: at/on
B: in/in
C: in/on
D: on/on

(单选题)15: Before the operation, the doctor ___ the nurse to be careful
A: kept
B: demanded
C: required
D: said

(单选题)16: I had ___good lunch yesterday with one of my old friends.
A: a
B: my
C: the
D: /

(单选题)17: On New Year’s Eve, New York City holds an outdoor ___ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.
A: incident
B: event
C: case
D: affair

(单选题)18: _______ your family _______, you won’t have to worry about them any more.
A: As far as…is concerned
B: As far as…was concerned
C: As far as…are concerned
D: As far as…were concerned

(单选题)19: Jack wishes that he ___ business instead of history when he was in university.
A: had studied
B: study
C: studied
D: had been studying

(单选题)20: Your ________ is the total number of words you know in a particular language.
A: consonants
B: vocabulary
C: stress
D: term

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