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时间:2021-12-23 18:31来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: The ___ of children annoys most of the members in the family. A: abandon B: abandoning C: abandoned 正确答案: A (单选题)2: mania A: crazy B: man-made 正确答案: A (单选题)3: Tom suggests that Ann ___ the house. A: can sell B: sell
(单选题)1: The ___ of children annoys most of the members in the family.
A: abandon
B: abandoning
C: abandoned

(单选题)2: mania
A: crazy
B: man-made

(单选题)3: Tom suggests that Ann ___ the house.
A: can sell
B: sells
C: sell
D: sold

(单选题)4: My brother asked me whether I could spare___ few dollars.
A: the
B: a
C: an
D: /

(单选题)5: Everyone ___ their own way of doing things.
A: have
B: has
C: have done
D: has had

(单选题)6: He was detained ____some urgent business.
A: by
B: over
C: in
D: for

(单选题)7: I'm going to replace my ___ car with a new one
A: buttered
B: battering
C: butter
D: battered

(单选题)8: Everything depends on ___ they will support you about it.
A: which
B: if
C: whether
D: that

(单选题)9: He was well__ with her.
A: match
B: matching
C: matched

(单选题)10: My family is having a hard time watching the film with your children ___ all over the theater.
A: run
B: running
C: ran
D: runs

(单选题)11: The governor had to ____all his appointments for the day and rush to the train accident.
A: set off
B: pay off
C: see off
D: call off

(单选题)12: Having no work to go to and no family to ___, he was free.
A: provide for
B: provide against
C: provide
D: provide with

(单选题)13: A hardworking man ____ become a great scientist, but a great scientist _____ be a hardworking man.
A: can’t, can
B: may not, can
C: can’t, must
D: may not, must

(单选题)14: optics
A: happy
B: science of light

(单选题)15: perspective
A: respect
B: viewpoint

(单选题)16: He is unwilling to ___ heavy responsibilities.
A: take on
B: teke off
C: take into
D: take upon

(单选题)17: ____ common ground among competing constituents will be a nightmare for policymakers.
A: Finding
B: Found
C: Find
D: Finds

(单选题)18: The old tower must be saved, ___ the cost.
A: however
B: whatever
C: whichever
D: wherever

(单选题)19: The couple had been trying to satisfy all the needs of the son, who had been ____for more money all the time.
A: importing
B: importuning
C: improving
D: impressing

(单选题)20: The fact that a theory is ___does not necessarily___its scientific truth,which must be established by unbiased controlled studies.
A: plausible,ensure
B: popular,limit
C: venerable,override
D: conhensive,undermine

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