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时间:2022-04-19 09:18来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: 120. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak ____ Chinese. A: smooth B: fluent C: fluid D: flowing 正确答案: B (单选题)2: 84. Her parents tried to _______ a subtle pressure on her to marry someone who would car
(单选题)1: 120. Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak ____ Chinese.
A: smooth
B: fluent
C: fluid
D: flowing

(单选题)2: 84. Her parents tried to _______ a subtle pressure on her to marry someone who would carry on the family business.
A: bring
B: employ
C: bear
D: exert

(单选题)3: 91. By the time he arrives in Beijing, we __________ here for tow days.
A: have been staying
B: have stayed
C: shall stay
D: will have stayed

(单选题)4: 13. It ______ that the best applicants will be employed.
A: remains doubtful
B: goes without saying
C: hasn't been clear
D: doubts

(单选题)5: 101. The fire was finally brought under control, but not __________ extensive damage had been caused.
A: after
B: before
C: since
D: as

(单选题)6: 34. As far as computer programming is concerned, this model is obviously superior ______ any of the others in our department.
A: to
B: than
C: over
D: from

(单选题)7: 63. This is confidential. Don't ______ a word of this to anyone.
A: let
B: utter
C: leak
D: expose

(单选题)8: 82. Having been found guilty, the man was given a severe _______ by the judge.
A: service
B: sentence
C: crime
D: crisis

(单选题)9: 7. Miss Evans knows that Arthur and I can't be ______ the same committee. We are not compatible.
A: at
B: on
C: by
D: to

(单选题)10: 53. Two problems seem to ______ if we take this line of persuasion with school boards and parents.
A: establish
B: enter
C: represent
D: emerge

(单选题)11: 98. __________ in the office had made a mistake, and the firm regretted causing the customer inconvenience.
A: Some
B: Anyone
C: One
D: Someone

(单选题)12: 93. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, __________ all practical value by the time they were finished.
A: had lost
B: would lose
C: would have lost
D: should have lost

(单选题)13: 33. His parents do not sympathize ______ him in his point of view.
A: with
B: at
C: forward
D: for

(单选题)14: 2. ______ the uncertainty of the weather, outdoor cafes are not a feature of English life.
A: In spite of
B: Owing to
C: Belonging to
D: Without

(单选题)15: 116. All the tasks _____ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.
A: had been fulfilled
B: were fulfilled
C: having been fulfilled
D: been fulfilled

(单选题)16: 99. In recent years much more emphasis has been put __________ developing the students' productive skills.
A: over
B: onto
C: in
D: on

(单选题)17: 57. A policeman's first duty is the ______ of the people.
A: benefit
B: safety
C: responsibility
D: protection

(单选题)18: 81. My father has lived a long life, and done enough to _______ great respect in his town.
A: employ
B: achieve
C: use
D: win

(单选题)19: 86. I can not give you _______ for the type of car you sell because there is no demand for it in the market.
A: an expense
B: a charge
C: a purchase
D: an order

(单选题)20: 66. It is reported that two cars ______ into each other this morning on the highway, killing both drivers and two passengers.
A: crawled
B: crouched
C: pressed
D: crashed

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