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Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of

时间:2022-11-01 12:02来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
3. Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of metaphor? A. One turns on the radio while doing something else and absentmindedly bathes in the sound. B. Immediately that one note is enough to change the atmosphere of the
3. Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of metaphor?
A. One turns on the radio while doing something else and absentmindedly bathes in the sound.
B. Immediately that one note is enough to change the atmosphere of the room—proving that the sound element in music is a powerful and mysterious agent, which it would be foolish to deride or belittle.
C. You will soon realize that each theme mirrors a different world of feeling.
D. But one should never try to boil it down to “the fateful hammer of life,” etc.
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