(单选题)4: license A: lesson B: official permission ...
(单选题)12: 第四次作业问题14(作业音频请到课程公告里下载) A: In a fast-food restaurant B: At a shopping center C: At a county fair D: In a bakery ...
(单选题)20: 第三次作业问题16 A: They tend to stay within shouting or running distance of their parents. B: They should be aware of the potential risks in the playground. C: They may panic in front of high playground equipment. D: They c...
(单选题)14: 第三次作业问题5 A: The woman has been complaining too much. B: The woman's headache will go away by itself. C: The woman should have seen the doctor earlier. D: The woman should confirm her appointment with the doctor. ...
(单选题)8: 第三次作业问题10 A: The man will drive the woman to school. B: The man has finished his assignment. C: The man is willing to help the woman. D: The man is losing patience with the woman. ...
(单选题)2: 第三次作业问题8 A: There is no more left. B: It doesn't appeal to her. C: It's incredibly delicious. D: She has already tasted it. ...
(单选题)16: 第二次作业问题19 A: Someone has fallen off the bridge. B: Someone on the bridge is being attacked. C: Someone is threatening to destroy the bridge. D: Someone on the bridge is attempting to kill himself. ...
(单选题)10: 第二次作业问题17 A: He was afraid that he would be caught on the spot. B: Large bills were not within his reach. C: The maximum sum allowed was 55,000. D: He was limited by time and the size of his pockets. ...
(单选题)18: 第一次作业问题19 A: Most of them have a long history. B: They house some books than any other university library. C: They each have a copy of every book published in Britain. D: Many of them are specialized libraries. ...
(单选题)10: 第四次作业问题3(作业音频请到课程公告里下载) A: So-so B: Not too bad. C: Can’t complain. D: Very well. ...