(单选题)3: 孔子思想的核心是( )。 A: 仁 B: 义 C: 礼 D: 智 ...
(单选题)22: 用“月明星稀,乌鹊南飞”来喻() A: 指黑暗的战乱时代贤者奔走四方 B: 指贤才们都来投奔曹操 C: 暗指气候的变化 D: 时机会转变,贤才总会有出头之日 ...
(单选题)16: ()是我国四言诗的高峰。 A: 《诗经》 B: 《论语》 C: 《孟子》 D: 《楚辞》 ...
(单选题)10: ()的问世预示着世情小说创作高潮的到来。 A: 《水浒传》 B: 《三国志》 C: 《西游记》 D: 《金瓶梅》 ...
(单选题)4: 道家思想的核心是( )。 A: 仁者爱人 B: 民贵君轻 C: 道法自然 D: 小国寡民 ...
(单选题)23: More than one worker ______ dismissed. A: have been B: are C: has been D: has ...
(单选题)17: Parents are taught to understand ________ important education is to their children’s future. A: that B: how C: such D: so ...
(单选题)24: Each man and woman ______ the same rights. A: has B: have C: had D: is having ...
(单选题)18: It was a matter of __________ would take the position. A: who B: whoever C: whom D: whomever ...
(单选题)12: This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly. A: after which I have looked B: which I have looked after C: that I have looked after D: I have looked after ...