(单选题)9: After a fire broke out in the lab, a lot of equipment . A: is damaged B: had damaged C: damaged D: was damaged ...
(单选题)3: He is ( ) to make it. A: like B: likely C: unlike D: dislike ...
(单选题)22: --Do you care for modern music? --( ) A: No,I like classical music B: No,I hear it C: No,it's not my like D: Yes,I like it ...
(单选题)16: You had better ( ) it quickly. A: to do B: do C: doing D: does ...
(单选题)10: Can you ( ) your felling specificly? A: say B: speak C: describe D: ask ...
(单选题)4: ——What do you______the film? ——It’s interesting. A: think of B: think about C: think over D: think out ...
(单选题)17: 在下述说法中,正确说法是() A: A、 在方向和大小都随时间变化的力反作用下,物体作匀速直线运动 B: B、 在方向和大小都不随时间变化的力反作用下,物体作匀加速运动 C: C、 在两个相互垂直的恒力作用下,物体可以作匀速直线运动 D: D、 在...
(单选题)11: 两瓶不同的气体,一瓶是氧,另一瓶是一氧化碳,若它们的压强和温度相同,但体积不同,则下列量相同的是(1)单位体积的分子数(2)单位体积的质量(3)单位体积的内能,其中正确的是() A: (1)(2) B: (2)(3) C: (1)(3) D: (1)...
(单选题)24: 一质点在光滑平面上,在外力作用下沿某一曲线运动,若突然将外力撤消,则该质点将作() A: 匀速率曲线运动 B: 匀速直线运动 C: 停止运动 D: 减速运动 ...
(单选题)18: 一带电体可作为点电荷处理的条件是() A: 电荷必须呈球形分布 B: 带电体的线度很小 C: 带电体的线度与其它有关长度相比可忽略不计 D: 电量很小 ...