(多选题)34: 下列项目属于广义成本的有 。 A: 购买机器设备的支出 B: 购买原材料的支出 C: 完工入库的产成品 D: 主销售务成本 ...
(多选题)28: 下列各项中,应计入产品成本的是 。 A: 季节性停工损失 B: 车间管理人员的工资 C: 专设销售机构人员的工资 D: 厂部行政人员的工资 ...
(多选题)22: 辅助生产费用进行两次以上分配的分配方法是 。 A: 计划成本分配法 B: 交互分配法 C: 代数分配法 D: 顺序分配法 ...
(单选题)16: 下列各项中不应计入产品成本的是 。 A: 企业行政管理部门用固定资产的折旧费用 B: 车间厂房的折旧费用 C: 车间生产用设备的折旧费用 D: 车间辅助人员的工资 ...
(单选题)10: 成本还原的对象是 。 A: 产成品成本 B: 各步骤所耗上一步骤半成品的综合成本 C: 最后步骤的产成品成本 D: 各步骤的产成品成本 ...
(单选题)4: 几种产品共同耗用的原材料费用,属于间接计入费用,应采用的分配方法是 。 A: 计划成本分配法 B: 材料定额费用比例分配法 C: 工时比例分配法 D: 代数分配法 ...
(单选题)48: Most environmental problems exist because adequate measures for preventing them _____taken in the past. A: was not B: were not C: were not being D: being not ...
(单选题)50: The _________ doctor has at last been caught, after having cheated so many people. A: fake B: false C: make-believe D: pretending ...
(单选题)32: I_______ yesterday, but I was suspended by an unexpected visit. A: came B: did come C: was to come D: come ...
(单选题)26: Three people, ______, were injured in the accident. A: including a child B: include a child C: included a child D: includes a child ...