(单选题)36: He felt rather _____ as he was the only person who wore sportswear at the dinner party. A: in place B: in the way C: by the way D: out of place ...
(单选题)30: He never ______ any gifts from people on Christmas Day. A: received B: accepted C: expected D: took up ...
(单选题)24: I was _____ as to how I could help him out without hurting his pride. A: quite useless B: rather uncertain C: quite unprepared D: wonder ...
(单选题)18: Only guests of the hotel enjoy the _____ of using the private beach. A: privilege B: possibility C: favor D: advantage ...
(单选题)12: _____ his wealth, he is not happy. A: Except for B: In spite of C: Because of D: Besides ...
(单选题)6: These courses, if properly conducted, will _____ the minds of the students. A: refresh B: renew C: stimulate D: encourage ...
(判断题)24: 损失补偿保险合同的特征是保险事故发生不一定造成损失,即使造成损失,也不能或很难用货币衡量损失金额。( ) A: 错误 B: 正确 ...
(判断题)30: 不同类型的风险及其管理存在的差别并不是很大。( ) A: 错误 B: 正确 ...
(多选题)18: 风险管理的基本程序包括( )。 A: 设定目标 B: 选择方案 C: 实施方案 D: 监督系统 ...
(多选题)12: 风险管理可能对企业造成的贡献有( )。 A: 风险管理事关企业的存亡 B: 为企业以最经济的方法处理自留风险损失做准备 C: 增进管理人员和业主的身心健康 D: 有助于满足企业树立社会责任感的愿望 ...