(单选题)19: 下列思想属于墨家学派的是( )。 A: 仁者爱人 B: 民贵君轻 C: 兼爱非攻 D: 小国寡民 ...
(单选题)13: 以1870年普法战争为背景的小说是 ( ) A: 《断魂枪》 B: 《米龙老爹》 C: 《麦琪的礼物》 D: 《苦恼》 ...
(单选题)7: 《白玉苦瓜》是( )的代表诗集。 A: 余光中 B: 郭沫若 C: 席慕容 D: 胡适 ...
(单选题)1: 茅盾《香市》一文最突出的写作特点是( ) A: 今昔对比 B: 托物言志 C: 借景抒情 D: 先抑后扬 ...
(单选题)20: She made the demand that the journalists _____ at once ______ Iraq. A: leave; for B: leave; to C: left; to D: to be left; for ...
(单选题)14: We want someone to design the new art museum for us. ______ the young fellow have a try? A: May B: Shall C: Will D: Need ...
(单选题)21: The manager or his assistant ______ planning to go. A: were B: are C: was D: be ...
(单选题)15: You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it. A: who;/ B: /; whom C: whom;/ D: /; who ...
(单选题)9: Each of you ______ responsible for the accident. A: am B: be C: is D: are ...
(单选题)3: The gas works ______ near the city. A: is B: are C: were D: be ...