(单选题)3: Looking out of the window,Professor Steele _____ a Chinese student walking towards her office. A: caught sight of B: kept sight of C: catch sight of D: lost sight of ...
(单选题)22: In winter, animals have a hard time_____ anything to eat. A: to find B: to finding C: to find out D: finding ...
(单选题)16: The little boy, Johnnie, had been up with a _____of mints. A: pack B: packed C: pocket D: package ...
(单选题)10: The paint is still wet. _____! A: Be not sure to touch it B: Be sure not to touch it C: Be sure to not touch it D: Don't be sure to touch it ...
(单选题)4: Mr. Smith had an unusual ___: he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher. A: profession B: occupation C: position D: career ...
(判断题)23: 在古代汉语里,“言”是自动的跟人说话,“语”是回答别人的问话。 A: 对 B: 错 ...
(判断题)17: 古代的“江”和“河”都是专有名词,分别指长江和黄河。 A: 对 B: 错 ...
(多选题)11: 下列作品属于两汉乐府民歌的有( )。 A: 《孤儿行》 B: 《陇西行》 C: 《诉衷情》 D: 《卜算子 咏梅》 ...
(判断题)24: “愿及未填沟壑而托之”的正确翻译是“在我还没有跌进沟里的时候想把他托付给你”。 A: 对 B: 错 ...
(多选题)12: 下列句子中的“令”,当“命令”讲的是。 A: 倒之颠之,自公令之 B: 既不能令,又不受命 C: 其身正,不令而行 D: 令操已拥百万之众,挟天子以令诸 ...