(单选题)19: She ( ) in America for many years. She hopes to go back to China next year. A: lives B: lived C: has lived ...
(单选题)13: Don't worry about it! The baby will look like ( ) her father ( ) her mother. A: not only, but also B: also, too C: either, or ...
(单选题)7: A: Have you finished your homework? B: ( ). A: No, I didn't B: No, I haven't finished C: No, I haven't ...
(单选题)1: Her mother told her not to ( ) without telling her. A: leave off B: go on C: go off ...
(单选题)15: 原意是“畸形的珍珠”,被古典主义者用来称呼所谓代表奇异古怪、离经叛道的建筑风格的是()。 A: 哥特式 B: 巴洛克式 C: 洛可可式 D: 罗马风式 ...
(单选题)9: 孔子庙祭祀对象是()。 A: 先贤 B: 祖先 C: 自然神 D: 皇帝 ...
(单选题)3: 北京颐和园和园内被列入吉尼斯世界记录的景点是()。 A: 十七孔桥 B: 佛香阁 C: 画中游 D: 长廊 ...
(单选题)17: 中山陵祭堂南面门楣的横额上所刻的文字为()。 A: 民族,民权,民生 B: 天下为公 C: 浩气长存 D: 博爱 ...
(单选题)11: 苏州四大名园是()。 A: 沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园、网师园 B: 沧浪亭、个园、拙政园、留园 C: 沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园、留园 D: 豫园、狮子林、拙政园、留园 ...
(单选题)5: 金字塔最早建于()年前。 A: 4000 B: 4500 C: 5000 D: 5500 ...