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电大21春理工英语3单元自测4(预备知识:Unit 4;10分)

时间:2021-06-19 12:47来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. — ?How long is this cell phone guaranteed?— ?______? A. No problem. B. You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year. C. Don't mention it. 2. — ? What do you think of your new computer? — ? _______ A. I think so. B. How abo
1. — ?How long is this cell phone guaranteed? — ?______?
A. No problem.
B. You can refund it in 7 days and exchange it in one year.
C. Don't mention it.

2. — ? What do you think of your new computer?
— ? _______
A. I think so.
B. How about you?
C. It is really fantastic.

3. He?characterized briefly?the?main _________????????????in the?world?today.
A. tend
B. treat
C. trend

4. The store will?_________??????????5%?for?cash?payment.?
A. discourse
B. discount
C. discourage

5. Milton_________????????????the glass to his lips.
A. rise
B. arise
C. raise

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