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电大21春理工英语3单元自测7(预备知识:Unit 7;10分)

时间:2021-06-19 12:48来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
1. — ?If you like I can mail the tax bill for you?— ?_________? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? A. That's very kind of you. B. You are great. C. You are so kind. 2. — ?How do I get to the garage? I need to have my car repaired.— ?_________? ? ? ? ?
1. — ?If you like I can mail the tax bill for you? — ?_________? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??
A. That's very kind of you.
B. You are great.
C. You are so kind.

2. — ?How do I get to the garage? I need to have my car repaired. — ?_________? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
A. It's vetry far.
B. Yes,there is a garage near here.
C. Go down this street and turn left.

3. Tom?_______ have?kept?his?promise.?I?wonder?why?he?changed?his?idea.?
A. need
B. must
C. should

4. ?It was a __________ relationship between the boy and the man.?
A. mix
B. complex
C. confuse

5. What I should do is__________?the task soon.?
A. to finish
B. finished
C. be finished

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