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时间:2022-04-15 13:51来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: It will ____ you _____ if she never speak to you again A: serve....in B: serve.... right C: serve.... away D: serve... great 正确答案: B (单选题)2: His stupid remarks ____ a fight. A: touched down B: touched on C: touched off D:
(单选题)1: It will ____ you _____ if she never speak to you again
A: serve....in
B: serve.... right
C: serve.... away
D: serve... great

(单选题)2: His stupid remarks ____ a fight.
A: touched down
B: touched on
C: touched off
D: touched up

(单选题)3: A small terrorist group has ____ responsibility for the bombing in London.
A: claimed
B: acclaimed
C: exclaimed
D: reclaimed

(单选题)4: Reading this book, we can ____ the main character.
A: identify with
B: identify as
C: identify to
D: identity for

(单选题)5: Our house is very ____ for the shops.
A: near
B: convenient
C: suitable
D: sufficient

(单选题)6: While I was doing my research I ____ on some fascinating new data.
A: strolled
B: strode
C: stumbled
D: walked

(单选题)7: Don't ____ his tricks.
A: fall in
B: fall into
C: fall for
D: fall out

(单选题)8: He _______ his binoculars ____ the distant figures.
A: trained ... in
B: trained ... for
C: trained ... as
D: trained ... on

(单选题)9: I'm sorry. You're right. I'm ____ the wrong.
A: in
B: at
C: on
D: under

(单选题)10: He ____ the plans to enemy agents.
A: tray
B: treaty
C: beloved
D: betrayed

(单选题)11: If you don't hear anything ____ the contrary I'll meet you at 7 o'clock tonight.
A: on
B: in
C: to
D: about

(单选题)12: While they were away on vacation, they allowed their mail to ____ at the post office.
A: pile up
B: rise up
C: turn up
D: cover up

(单选题)13: Hearing the news, she ____ by getting very angry.
A: reacted
B: recollected
C: recalled
D: reflected

(单选题)14: She has managed to obtain a temporary work ___ in Britain
A: permit
B: permission
C: permissiveness
D: permissible

(单选题)15:  The medicine the doctor gave him ___ his headache.
A: freed
B: refreshed
C: released
D: relieved

(单选题)16: She told the children to ____ while she was talking on the telephone..
A: pipe down
B: pipe away
C: pipe up
D: pipe in

(单选题)17: The writer ____ his name in the book.
A: described
B: inscribed
C: subscribed
D: prescribed

(单选题)18: ____ for his poetry but also for his six-volume life of Abraham Lincoln.
A: Not only Carl Sandburg is known
B: Carl Sandburg is known not only
C: Carl Sandburg, knowing not only
D: Carl Sandburg ,who is known not only

(单选题)19: Riding on a bus without paying the fare ____ cheating the bus company.
A: amounts of
B: equal
C: appears
D: amounts to

(单选题)20: The table was in curious ___ as both the top and legs were slightly curved.
A: form
B: pattern
C: shape
D: model

(单选题)21: She simply ____ that the check was good and did not ask him any question about it.
A: took it easy
B: took it for granted
C: took it up with
D: took advantage of

(单选题)22:  His ___wife had died.
A: beloved
B: beloving
C: belonging
D: lively

(单选题)23: Several unpopular decisions ____ the governor's popularity.
A: decayed
B: diminished
C: distorted
D: dissolved

(单选题)24: We ____ the tools before we left the workshop.
A: put down
B: put out
C: put away
D: put off

(单选题)25: Although it is commonly believed that an ostrich hides its head when confronted by danger, it actually flees—runs away____.
A: swiftly
B: forcefully
C: hysterically
D: comically

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