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Most people graduate from school and then get a job. Everyon

时间:2022-01-04 14:15来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
30: Most people graduate from school and then get a job. Everyone wants a job that pays well. How much money can you make? Ask yourself these questions: What can I do? What skills do I have? Also ask yourself: How much education do I have?
30: Most people graduate from school and then get a job. Everyone wants a job that pays well. How much money can you make? Ask yourself these questions: What can I do? What skills do I have? Also ask yourself: How much education do I have? For most jobs, the higher your education, the higher your earning power.In the United States, high school graduates make about $ 18,600 a year. If you do not finish high school, you make only $10,800 a year. You can make $7,800 more each year by staying in high school!If you stay in school, then you can make more money. A person with a high school degree makes about $18,600 a year. If that person goes to college and gets a bachelor's degree(学士学位), he can make S42,000. With a master's degree (硕士学位), he can make about $53,000. If the person gets a PhD(博士学位), he can make almost $79,000 or more a year.We can learn a very important thing from this information. If you want to work and make more money, get a good education.
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