11. 下列各项中不属于现金的是( )。 A. 库存现金 B. 银行汇票 C. 商业汇票 D. 银行本票 ...
9. 在课程研究史上,是()开课程研究重视教师主体性的风气之先河 A. 斯腾豪斯 B. 布鲁纳 C. 瓦根舍 D. 奥苏伯尔 ...
4. ()是对课程或教学计划实际效用的评价,它注重课程实施前后学生或教师所产生的变化,至于课程运作的具体状况、变化产生的原因等则被置之度外。 A. 效果评价 B. 内在评价 C. 目标本位评价 D. 外部人员评价 ...
5. 语义场可以分为二元义场和多元义场两大类,二元义场又可分为关系型二元义场和异质型二元义场两类,多元义场又可分为有序型和无序型两类。 A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
4. 由两个同级词语(以义项为单位)构成的义场就是二元义场。 A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
8. 表示事物之间相互关系的二元义场,就是关系型二元义场。这种义场中的词语具有相互依存性,反映事物之间的相互关系,可进行关系推理。 A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
9. Is language only a matter of literal meaning? A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
18. If your English teacher uses a Latin word you don't know, you might A. say nothing and pretend that you have understood. B. say, "Please repeat." C. say, "I'm sorry. What did you say just now? D. say, "I'm sorry, I didn't understan...
11. How would a host indicate to a guest that it was time to leave? A. The host would announce, " It's time to leave." B. The host wouldn't say anything, so the guest would leave at a time he thought was reasonable. C. The host would st...
5. By (), we refer to a meaning taken as given which does not therefore need to be asserted. A. Conversational implicature B. presupposition C. Notion of face D. concept of face ...