2. “All national character” is the most important of all the five characteristics of the basic word stock. A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
12. Which of the following is NOT studied in semantics? A. polysemy B. language family C. ambiguity D. complementaries ...
7. “die” and “pass away” are synonyms. They differ in ________. A. connotative meaning B. emotive meaning C. stylistic meaning D. all the above ...
7. Idioms are phrases and short sentences the meanings of which are not easy to infer from the constituents in most cases. A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
3. Denizens are words which were borrowed from other languages but later became assimilated into the English language. A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
16. “Give somebody an inch and he’ll take a mile” is a _________. A. sentence idiom B. proverb C. clause idiom D. both A and B ...
8. The derivational process, in which an item is converted to a new word class,without the addition of an affix, is called ____________. A. compounding B. back-formation C. functional shift D. derivation ...
3. The hyponyms of ‘vegetable’ are() A. banana, pear, jam B. pear, apple, banana C. cucumber, celery, peas D. tree, pine, elm ...
8. 证券市场一般由证券、证券投资者、证券发行者、证券交易所、证券经营机构、证券中介机构、证券管理机构和自律组织等要素构成。。 A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
4. 如果相关行业的产品是该行业生产的投入品,那么相关, 行业产品价格上升,就会造成该行业的生产成本提高,利润下降,从而股价会出现下降趋势。 A. 错误 B. 正确 ...