(单选题)13: 按照多处理器系统中的处理器之间的通信方式来划分,多处理器系统包括紧密耦合系统和( ) A: 主从式多机系统 B: 集中式系统 C: 分布式系统 D: 对称式多机系统 ...
(单选题)7: 死锁发生后,让参与死锁的进程回退到以前没有发生死锁的某个点处,并由此继续,这种解除死锁的方法为___。 A: 重新启动 B: 终止进程 C: 剥夺资源 D: 进程回退 ...
(单选题)1: 操作系统是( )软件。 A: 通用 B: 系统 C: 应用 D: 实时 ...
(单选题)2: Consumers should do ___ than simply complain about the poor quality of goods. A: much less B: some more C: far less D: far more ...
(单选题)21: Don’t ___ to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. A: reject B: prevent C: hesitate D: refuse ...
(单选题)4: Circus tiger, although they have been tamed, can ___ attack their trainer. A: unexpectedly B: deliberately C: reluctantly D: subsequently ...
(单选题)19: It was essential that the application forms ___ back before the deadline. A: must be sent B: would be sent C: be sent D: were sent ...
(单选题)3: We’ll be only too glad to attend your party _______ we can get a baby-sitter. A: so far as B: provided that C: unless D: except that ...
(单选题)10: She can stay in her workroom for 10 hours without eating or sleeping, all her attention ___ her painting. A: focusing on B: focused on C: focusing in D: focused in ...
(多选题)19: 在布雷顿森林体系下,____。 A: 美国可以大量创造派生存款 B: 美国可以利用美元,弥补国际收支赤字 C: 美国可以向其他国家转嫁通货膨胀 D: 美国可以获得"铸币税" E: 美国承担了巨大的国际协调责任 ...