(单选题)6: CIT是指( )。 A: 职务调查问卷法 B: 职业分析问卷法 C: 关键事件法 D: 管理职位描述法 ...
(判断题)30: 样板戏是文化专制主义的产物。( ) A: 错误 B: 正确 ...
(判断题)24: 唐诗分为初盛中晚四期。 A: 错误 B: 正确 ...
(多选题)18: 何其芳的作品有( )。 A: 《预言》 B: 《夜歌》 C: 《大堰河》 D: 《雨巷》 ...
(多选题)12: 《诗经》国风包括( )等诸侯国的民歌。 A: 鲁 B: 唐 C: 卫 D: 曹 ...
(单选题)6: 李白的出生地是现在的哪个国家?( ) A: 吉尔吉斯坦 B: 土库曼斯坦 C: 哈萨克斯坦 D: 塔吉克斯坦 ...
(单选题)44: The historical and cultural background to the play has been very carefully and thoroughly ___. A: searched B: researched C: sourced D: reserved ...
(单选题)32: People working in the government should not ______ business affairs that might change their political judgment. A: engage in B: hope for C: choose between D: pick on ...
(单选题)26: On my way home this evening, I happen to notice that an old man was nearly ran ____ by a speeding car. A: after B: about C: across D: over ...
(单选题)34: I was quite taken ____ by his attitude. I never expected he would disappoint his parents by doing such a thing. A: back B: aback C: after D: apart ...