(单选题)5: 一般胎盘娩出期不得得超过 ( ) A: 5分钟 B: 10分钟 C: 25分钟 D: 30分钟 ...
(判断题)24: OCT阳性是指在测试的30分钟内无宫缩时10分钟内出现3次晚期减速以上( ) A: 错误 B: 正确 ...
(多选题)18: 下列哪些是外阴癌病人常见的临床表现( ) A: 瘙痒 B: 溃疡 C: 萎缩 D: 出血 ...
(单选题)12: 导致围绝经期功血的主要原因是( ) A: 卵巢功能衰退 B: 卵巢对促性腺激素敏感性增加 C: 下丘脑对性激素负反馈调节反应性降低 D: 垂体对性激素负反馈调节反应性降低 E: 以上都不是 ...
(单选题)6: 最常引起产褥期感染的病菌是厌氧性() A: 葡萄球菌 B: 链球菌 C: 革兰氏阴性杆菌 D: 类白喉菌 ...
(单选题)25: I have no objection ________ your story again. A: to hear B: to hearing C: to having heard D: to have heard ...
(单选题)13: The clothes a person wears may express his ________ or social position. A: curiosity B: status C: determination D: significance ...
(单选题)20: It is said that the math teacher seems ________ towards bright students. A: partial B: beneficial C: preferable D: liable ...
(单选题)14: She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it ________ enough to eat. A: mild B: slight C: light D: tender ...
(单选题)8: This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ________ comfortably. A: is worn B: wears C: wearing D: are worn ...