13. 在设计测试用例时,( )是用得最多的一种黑盒测试方法 A. 等价类划分 B. 边值分析 C. 因果图 D. 判定表 ...
5. the single finger beckon in America simply means come here. A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
8. Paratactic relations refer to constructions that are linked through________. ()。 A. juxtaposition(并列) B. punctuation(标点) C. conjunction(连接词) D. intonation (语调) ...
2. When responding to compliment "you look very nice in this dress", you should say “______.”()。 A. Thank you, but it is just so so. B. No, it is quite ordinary. C. Thank you, I'm glad that you like it. D. Do you really think so? I ...
11. Communication with the ingredient of "feedback" can be called()。 A. one-way communication B. two-way communication C. complete communication D. conscious communication ...
2. When you meet an American friend of yours who is just off a plane in the airport, you can greet him by saying ()。 A. You must have had a tiring journey. B. Did you have a good trip? C. How long did it take you to get here? D. So yo...
5. 根据课税对象形态的不同,财产税可以分为一般财产税和个别财产税。 A. 错误 B. 正确 ...
13. 下列关于营业税的纳税主体的说法正确的是:( ) A. 事业单位、社会团体和军事单位都是营业税的纳税人 B. 负有营业税纳税义务的单位的内设机构和分支机构不是纳税人 C. 单位以承包、承租、挂靠方式经营的,承包人、承租人、挂靠人发生应税行为,承包...
9. 下列有关审计机关审计监督的对象的说法正确的是:( ) A. 作为审计机关审计监督对象的国有资本占控股地位或者主导地位的企业、金融机构是指国有资本占企业、金融机构资本(股本)总额的比例超过50%的企业 B. 未全部使用财政资金,财政资金占项目总投资...
4. 税款征收的强制执行措施应符合下列哪一选项?( ) A. 必须经县以上税务局(分局)局长批准,才能适用 B. 扣缴义务人依法履行代扣、代收税款义务时,纳税人拒绝的,扣缴义务人报税务机关批准后可采用强制执行措施 C. 纳税担保人不应成为强制执行措施...