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时间:2022-04-15 12:08来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
(单选题)1: Ill ___ my aunt at the station. A: encouter B: meet C: confront D: run into 正确答案: B (单选题)2: The two companies signed a trade ___. A: agreement B: deal C: treaty D: alliance 正确答案: A (单选题)3: The ancient Egyptians are
(单选题)1: I’ll ___ my aunt at the station.
A: encouter
B: meet
C: confront
D: run into

(单选题)2: The two companies signed a trade ___.
A: agreement
B: deal
C: treaty
D: alliance

(单选题)3: The ancient Egyptians are supposed ___ rockets to the moon.
A: to send
B: to be sending
C: to have sent
D: to have been sending

(单选题)4: The real trouble ___ their lack of confidence in their abilities.
A: lies in
B: lies on
C: resluts in
D: leads to

(单选题)5: The sounds of music grow ___ in the distance.
A: faint
B: fade
C: wane
D: ebb

(单选题)6: Here are some toys. You can ___ one or two for you little son as a gift from me.
A: single out
B: pick out
C: take out
D: work out

(单选题)7: ___ travels more slowly than light.
A: Voice
B: Sound
C: Noise
D: Wave

(单选题)8: I can’t ___ what that object is.
A: make up
B: make over
C: make out
D: make for

(单选题)9: You’d better have the bicycle ___ immediately.
A: repair
B: to be repairing
C: been repaired
D: repaired

(单选题)10: The story that follows ___ two famous characters of the Rocky Mountain gold rush days.
A: concerns
B: states
C: proclaims
D: relates

(单选题)11: Man must stop ___ the earth’s atmosphere.
A: polluting
B: filling
C: emitting
D: wasting

(单选题)12: We ___ think seventy was a good age.
A: are used to
B: used to
C: use to
D: were used to

(单选题)13: A snake ___ along the ground.
A: climbed
B: crawled
C: crept
D: sneaked

(单选题)14: What ___ would happen if the director knew the fact?
A: do you suppose
B: will
C: you suppose
D: you would suppose

(单选题)15: Most people (A) work to earn a living (B) and they produce goods and services(C). Services are such things like (D) education, medicine, and commerce. (选择有误的一项)
A: Most people
B: a living
C: goods and services
D: such things like

(单选题)16: Tom ___ to review his lessons before exams.
A: went out his way
B: went out of his way
C: went of his way
D: went out of a way

(单选题)17: So, once I had made a considered decision, I no longer ___ it.
A: dwelt on
B: dwelt in
C: dwelt with
D: dwelt at

(单选题)18: Beethoven is my favourite musician. I regard him as ___ other musicians.
A: superior to
B: more superior
C: more superior than
D: superior

(单选题)19: What good would guns have been to Jeremy and me?
A: 对我和杰罗米来说,枪有什么好的?
B: 对于我和杰罗米说,即使有枪,又有什么用呢?

(单选题)20: He fell in love with Mary at the ___ of her.
A: glance
B: gaze
C: sight
D: stare

(单选题)21: Many Westerners ___ Christianity.
A: respect
B: admire
C: believe
D: believe in

(单选题)22: She ___ in the river.
A: drawn
B: was drowned
C: dawn
D: down

(单选题)23: We had met on a ___ occasion.
A: before
B: present
C: previous
D: pretentious

(单选题)24: We can ___ a complex argument into its basic elements.
A: resolve
B: determine
C: decide
D: solve

(单选题)25: I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave, ___ something occurred attracted my attention.
A: unless
B: until
C: when
D: while

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